Date: xxx
Ref: xxx
Kind Attn :Mr. xxx
Project :2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha
1st, Dubai U.A.E.
Subject : Regarding Wooden, Aluminium and Metal Doors Status till date
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we are attaching the total details of the doors for the project which includes Wooden, Aluminium and Metal Doors and kindly note the following:
- The Wooden Door for Basement listed in the attached sheet no. 1 mentioned in item no.1, still the subcontractor needs to be nominated by the client.
- In the attached sheet no.1 ,item no. 2 to 10, i.e., Doors for Ground Floor to be decided and finalized by client along with the nomination.
- Item no.11 – 22 ,listed in the sheet no. 1 for the level L-01 , client need to nominate the subconatrctor for wooden doors.
- Floor Level 02-13 , House Keeping area Door which is mentioned in item no.28, door at service lift lobby to be nominated by the client.
- From item no.32 to 43 attached in sheet no. 1 and 2, for mechanical floor as per the revised darwing to be finalized by client.
- Hollow Metal Door listed in sheet 02 from item no.44-68 need to be finalized by client.
- In Aluminium work , Metalu Subcontractor have not inculded the item no.73 and 74 at Ground floor i.e., Diesel generator room and service room shaft and 02 numbers of doors required for louver room, size wil be given by the contractor later on.
- As per revised drawing in Basement, we have cubical partition with doors at toilets. So, subcontractor and specification to be finalized for the variation work, this is specialize work which to be carried out by specialized supplier.
- In the Basement 01 i.e., shower area there is a glass partition with door which also to be nominated and finalized by client.
So, this is for your kind information and review the attached documents and do the needful as per the status updated and list attached.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C.
Project Manager