Missing & damaged items by others inside our pods

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Sanitary ware Damages by others Subject                                 : Missing & damaged items by others inside our pods Attachments                      : Consultant Minutes of Meetings (No: 75) Dear Mr. xxx, Referring to the previous letter (UP-xxx) regarding […]

Missing & damaged items by others inside our pods

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Sanitary ware Damages by others Subject                                 : Missing & damaged items by others inside our pods Attachments                      : 4 Sheets Pictures & List of Missing and damaged items Dear Mr. xxx, We have listed […]