Regarding handing over the site and work parallelly with main contractor.

Date: xxx Ref: xxx To                    : M/s. xxx Interiors Project             : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject         : Regarding handing over the site and work parallely with main contractor. Dear Sir, With reference to above, our previous communication ref no CC/MAKSTYLO/006 dated: 20/09/17 and we are hereby handing […]

Regarding handing over the site and work parallelly with main contractor.

Date                : xxx Ref                   : CC/DESTEC/007 To                    : M/s. xxx GROUP, PO Box 47395, Sharjah UAE. Project              : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai. Subject             : Regarding handing over the site and work parallely with main contractor. Dear Mr. xxx, With reference to above, our previous communication ref […]