submission of the impact program and list of the pending issue

Office checks forms, priority list checks, check mark list and checking paper to do checklists.

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject         :  Regarding submission of the impact program and list of the pending issue

                        which needs to be resolve by the client.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above subject we are submitting the impact program along with the pending issues which are not resolve till dead as mention below.

  1. We completed external plaster but cradle drawing not yet approved till dead and we will claim variation for removing the plaster and re finishing these  rounding and external painting  will be started after fixing the façade cleaning.
  2. Quotation for the external interlock submitted on dated Dec 10 and variation needs to be approved. Since main contractor not allow to carryout outside the plot limit this work directly to be awarded to RTA contractor.
  3. In many area tiles are not supplied till date, which include 14th floo, lift lobby as well as corridor of 1st floor.
  4. The balance wash basin counter still not finalize and sub-contractor not nominated till date by the employer.
  5. The mock up approval not provided by your ID team which are fix in the unit no 5  6 ,which are holding the successor activity like painting and ID work cannot be executed at all other areas.
  6. The lighting control sub contractor not nominated till date where ever it is required and main contractor will not be held responsible for re work or variation work in future.
  7. The “CAT 6” wiring for traveling  cable in the lift shaft which is required for WIFI  and camera in lift cabin issue not resolve by the employer.
  8. The façade lighting  drawing still not approved and the additional work claim will be submitted after approval of the drawing.
  • Health club nomination not yet provided.
  • The internal signage nomination not  provided by the employer.
  • The hollow metal door contract issue not yet resolve by the employer and not signed by the NAFCO.
  • Kitchen revised drawing not yet relase by the kitchen consultant to kitchen sub contractor.
  • The pending material approval for WIFI  submitted on 27/12/2017 and VOXTEL material submitted on 9/1/2018 and shop drawing submitted on 10/10/2018 are not yet approved.

So, these are the issues not yet resove and are attaching the impact program and further impact intimated after resolving the issue.

This is for your kind intimation and record.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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