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Submission of drawing to DM and any requirement from the main contractor



Date: xxx

Ref. xxx

To                    : M/s xxx Trading Company

Project             : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building, Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject:             Regarding Submission of drawing to DM and any requirement from the main contractor

Dear Mr.Rahul/Jose/Reghu

With reference to the above, we want to inform you the following for your immediate reply and coordination:

  1. Kindly let us know what are the requirement from the main contractor to submit  your drawing to Dubai municipality as we submitted other project drawing which we directly submitted to consultant as per the drawing and design by the pool subcontractor.

a)The ventilation is required or not in pool deck area and at pump room if yes kindly propose and incorporated in your scope that will be inline exhaust fan from pool deck and discharge will be near chiller area.

b)The lighting proposal in the pump room you have not included. For us it is a variation or kindly advise that you will fix the light on the ceiling or at the wall.

c)How many floor trap you required at pump room and balancing tank we can incorporate in our shop drawing.

d)The manhole cover is not in our scope and you need to specify and any kinds of manholes are not in our scope please specify and clear the variation issue.

e) Any drainage pipeline at pump room area must be connected to pressure breaking manhole by the pool subcontractor and from the pressure breaking manhole Main

Contractor will connect to the building drainage system. We will not carryout any pipeline at pump room area.

f) The location of the excess of manhole (1x1meter) you have proposed at center of the pool deck , kindly advise where it can be fixed ,any corner or an isolated area. As well as the 1X1 meter is too big . Can it be reduced or possible to convert into 60×90 or 90×90.please review the option .

g)You have proposed access from the top but you didn’t propose any excess ladder or you will use separate aluminum ladder to access in the pump room area whenever it is required for maintenance.

h)In your shop drawing you did not propose the size of the sleeves through all beam for heat and cool ,which is located outside of the pool deck area till pump room . Kindly provide sectional details passing through all beams with height, diameter and exact location for DM and our reference.

i)Can you review the swimming pool staircase landing between 14 floor and pool deck to provide the access from staircase area as we are attaching the sketch for your review and consideration if possible to avoid big opening at pool area.

j)Kindly provide complete drawing and heat and cool pump to further review the heat and pump location , requirement and other criteria.

k)As per the meeting held on 02.11.16 we requested to provide project organization chart and concern person with whom we can coordinate in smooth manner and after that it was informed verbally but still we are waiting and operating the communication different different people.

We highly appreciate if you review and reply point to point all our concern mentioned here or have a meeting with the consultant if you required any clarification.

This is for your kind information , acknowledge and reply within the reasonable time.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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