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Shop Drawing approval or review pending.

Shop Drawing

Shop Drawing

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

       Subject        : Regarding Shop Drawing approval pending.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, we would like to inform you that Electrical drawings which were submitted on 23-07-xxx after your preliminary review and the below mentioned submittals as not been approved or commented till date.

  1. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/008
  2. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/009
  3. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/010
  4. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/011
  5. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/012
  6. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/013
  7. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/014
  8. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/018
  9. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/019
  10. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/020
  11. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/021
  12. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/022
  13. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/037
  14. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/038
  15. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/039
  16. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/040
  17. CC/AP/269/SH/ELEC/041

So, without approval of these drawings we canot proceed the work at site because we can’t procure the material to execute the work at site.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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