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RFI for the design checking at lower roof

Engineering Submittals

Engineering Submittals

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject              : – Regarding Our RFI for the design checking at lower roof

Dear Sir,

With reference to above, we would like to inform you that we sent our RFI ref-CC/VLM/xxx dtd to the subcontractor VLM and their reply attached here with and kindly note the following.

  1. The VLM confirm that design is safe for beam area (LRB6 AND LRB9) without having any support below.
  2. The VLM is only our subcontractor and we as main contractor need confirmation from your design team that their statement is valid, genuine, and reliable.
  3. Still we did not have confidence that how the structure with heavy beam without support below is safe and sound?

So, kindly cross check with your design team and validate the finding and confirm to our sub-contractor statement. If any query will be raise by the DM during the inspection, we have to be ready for proactively replying.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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