Request to confirm the location of lift indicators Door Opening/containment for BMS System, CCTV, Access panel and Dumbwaiter structural requirement

Request to confirm the location of lift indicators Door Opening/containment for BMS System, CCTV, Access panel and Dumbwaiter structural requirement

Date :xxx

Ref: CC/swb/AP/RP-300116


M/s. xxx Consulting Architects and Engineers

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attn. : Mr. xxx

Project         : Proposed 2B+G+M+13 Floors Hotel Building on plot no xxx, Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Client           : Mr xxx

Consultant   : M/S xxx Consulting Architects and Engineers

Subject       : Request to confirm the location of lift indicators Door Opening/containment for BMS    

                    System, CCTV, Access panel and Dumbwaiter structural requirement.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above, we would like to request to provide the following information from your shortlisted supplier to make required provision in the ongoing structural work:

  1. Lift wall entry exit point, we need the following intimation:
  2. Structural opening size as per the supplier requirement with margin for finishing as per ID.
  3. Position of indicators with required position in elevation which include landing push buttons and other requirements like energy, interphone etc.
  4. Confirmation of the door positions with respect to available shaft dimension.
  5. Dumbwaiter shaft size and landing point drawing which includes the pit requirement as well as exhaust and maintenance requirement through shaft.
  6. Shop drawings from the low current subcontractor and containment for BMS System, CCTV and Access panel.

So, kindly provide us the advance information from your most favorable supplier shortlisted by you to incorporate requirement in the structural wall as soon as possible within 2-3 days.

Thanks and Regards,

For xxx Contracting LLC


Project Manager

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