Regarding your variation claim VOTC 02 dtd xxx

Regarding your variation claim VOTC 02 dtd xxx

Date            : xxx

Ref               : CC/DESTEC/009

To                 : M/s. xxx GROUP, PO Box 47395, Sharjah UAE.

Project          : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai.

Subject         : Regarding your variation claim VOTC 02 dtd 14/10/2017 @ 6.39 pm

Dear Mr. xxx,

With reference to above, we want to inform you that we are not accepting    any variation.

Meantime this is Variation work for us and if client agree for the same, we will ask them to approve and   client will approve us only Coordination charges.

So, you need to arrange your office for your work within area allotted at your own cost.



Project Manager

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