Regarding working at site in unplanned manner and keeping our cradle Ideal/to increase manpower

Regarding working at site in unplanned manner and keeping our cradle Ideal/to increase manpower

Date: xxx

Ref. xxx

To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks

Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject           : Regarding working at site in unplanned manner and keeping our cradle

                         Ideal/to increase manpower

Dear Mr. Raphael, Mr.Sajith

With reference to above we are hereby inform you that none of the elevation has been completed till date and kindly note the following

  1. Front side elevation we have 3 numbers rented cradle but not used fully, you are using only two numbers. So we cannot work further activity until you will not handover elevation wise fully
  • You cannot keep the cradle ideal as we are paying the rent and we must start the pending successor activity
  • We noticed that the resources has been decreased and it is going to delay our work as we have many critical activities related after your handover

For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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