Regarding supply of the tile at our xxx hotel project site

Regarding supply of the tile at our xxx hotel project site

Date: xxx

Ref: CC/AP/01

To                    : M/s xxx Trading Company LLC.

Project             : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject            : Regarding supply of the tile at our xxx hotel project site, Al barsha 1 and to provide expected delivery date.

Dear Mr. Ajai,

With reference to above we would like to inform you that our client xxx issued by the purchase order B201710-10775 and dated xxx.

Kindly provide your delivery date that when you going to delivered the tiles at our site.

You can contact the following contact number xxx(xxx), xxx (xxx) and our official mail id for further communication xxx and xxx

So this is for your kind intimation and to do needful, and kindly intimate 3 days prior to delivery date to receive the tile.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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