Regarding renewal of Permit for Building construction or Demolition

Regarding renewal of Permit for Building construction or Demolition

Ref: xxx

Date: xxx


Right of way Authority

Traffic control Section

Dubai, UAE

Project:             2B+G+14+Lower Roof xxx Hotel Building

Plot No. :           xxx

Location:           Al Barsha 1st, Dubai, UAE

Client:                xxx

Consultant:        M/S. xxx Consulting Architects & Engineering

Subject            :   Regarding renewal of Permit for Building construction or Demolition

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above, we would like to intimate you that we are the main contractor for the project mentioned above. The current Permit TSPSxxx for Building construction or Demolition has expired on 28th April xxx.

Here we are submitting all required documents to renewal of Permit for Building construction or Demolition for our ongoing project.

Kindly consider our request and renew the permit.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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