Regarding pool area ceiling plaster and paint 

Regarding pool area ceiling plaster and paint 

Date: xxx

Ref: xxx

To                    : M/s. xxx Interiors

Project             : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

SUBJECT              :  Regarding pool area ceiling plaster and paint 

Dear  Mr.Titto, Mr. Hamza

         With reference to above and the attached letter here with letter ref no: AP/269/CC/580 that the verbal confirmation by MAKSTYLO without our client on dated 28-03-18 for the following as noted below:

1) MAKSTYLO agreed with our client that plaster will be carried out by MAKSTYLO and it is within MAKSTYLO scope without any variation

2) Client also discussed for the painting at ceiling area and the detail for the painting will be provided by client in due course and MAKSTYLO need to submit the variation for the same after receiving the detail/BOQ rate will be imply

So, this is for your kind information and do needful immediately and kindly acknowledge the same or reply   


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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