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Regarding Pending Works and Holding Our Works

Reply - Notice of Delay

Reply - Notice of Delay

Date: xxx

Ref. xxx

To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks

Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:Regarding Pending Works and Holding Our Works

Dear Engr. Mansour ,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, we would like to invite your kind attention that still we are  not allowed  to paint external area as well as many other area work also pending .

It is holding our work and our sub -contractors work also including  for Civil Defence Inspection.

We are  paying heavy rent  for cradle  as well as many dead line given your so called Engineer Sajith ,  I have doubt that he is an Engineer , the way he is behaving with me ,  and he doesn’t have right  to ask me and manipulating the fact as well other our  female engineer  facing insult  by his behavior too, he doesn’t have even respect to female too, why a rude person deployed here .

We also need to demobilize the site  as you occupied our kitchen room and your Mr Sajith fighting and refused to remove the material and your office and we are not allowed to work in that area .

How much more you want to delay the project now and we will remove your material if you will hold our work in kitchen and kitchen sub-contractor  also needs to fix and false ceiling in butchery , the area  you have your office at site.

You supposed to complete , work and demobilize  long before and now you occupied  with force and not vacating the same.

Kindly , bring back previous foreman, his name   Ranjeet ,a positive attitude and willingness to complete with polite co-ordination as we feel  and assess the balance work and must be finish within two days to allow us to finish all successor activities .

For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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