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Regarding Demobilize your Office as well as your program to complete the 100% work in writing



Ref. xxx

To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks

Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:Regarding Demobilize your Office as well as your program to complete the 100% work in writing as well as replacement of temporary glasses from front elevation

Dear Mr. Sajith,

With reference of the above we are hereby putting the final reminder to demobilize your site office and remove all surplus material with immediate effect within two days.

Meantime, you have been fixed the plain glass as you didn’t deliver the approved material and conveyance to the employer to have temporary arrangement for civil defense inspection only, still we required your timeline when you are going to complete your scope by delivering balance materials.

Kindly note that we send several reminders for the same and you occupied the area where we need to work for kitchen equipment in case of failure we will remove all your material which is placed in your temporary office and same will be transferred in the backyard as well as man contractor will not be responsible for any claim related missing tool or equipment, loose material or files or drawing or any other personal material belongs to you or your staffs in that temporary office.

So, kindly follow the instruction and demobilize the office and we are not responsible now to provide any office as you could have been finish long before.

For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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