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Regarding approval of external painting sample from sigma

Textured Anti Carbonated

Textured Anti Carbonated

Date: xxx                  

Ref. xxx

To                  :  M/s. xxx Technical Service LLC.

Kind Att        :  Mr. xxx Kumar

Project         :  2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at

                        Al   Barsha 1st, Dubai, U.A.E.

 Subject         : Regarding approval of external painting sample from sigma

    Dear Sir,

With reference to the above we are raised inspection for approval of external paint sample applied in grey and white colour. But you brought paint from berger paint and painting code approved by the consultant from sigman that is also given directly to you.

 So, consultant is not review our inspection requests they are asking to apply small sample from sigma to compare with berger paint.

So, kindly to needful and external painting work is under hold totally.

Thanking you,

For xxxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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