Re – Handing Over Documents

Handing over Materials at Site
Handing over Materials at Site

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : Design and Build of Coastal Village Residential Building.

Subject :     Re – Handing Over Documents

References: a) xxx dated 18 January xxx

                        b) xxx dated 25 April xxx

                        c) xxx dated 29 April xxx

                        d) xxx dated 29 April xxx

                        e) xxx dated 17 June xxx

Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your letter ref: xxx dated 23 June xxx regarding handing over documents.

We understand that your letter is addressed to different subcontractors and not to M/s xxx (Contractor Name) specifically but we would like to note the status of our handing over documents.

Only as-built drawings and operation & maintenance manual (including warranties) are under the scope of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) as we have informed earlier in our letter ref (a).

As-built drawings are approved since 17 November xxx (appendix 1). As per your instruction, four hard copy sets + a soft copy will be delivered to your site office in a white box on Tuesday 28 June xxx.

On the other hand, O&M & draft warranties were under review by the Engineer since 6 June 22 and commented submittal was received on 22 June xxx.

We have attended to the Engineer’s comments and resubmitted the O&M and draft warranties on 24 June xxx (appendix 2) via Email while two hard copy sets will be delivered to your site office by Monday 27 June xxx.

Trust the above clarify M/s xxx (Contractor Name) status of close out documents and looking forward to receiving the approval to the O&M + warranties to allow us to handover the four hard copy sets + a soft copy for the same.

If you deem it necessary, we are ready to meet and discuss with the Engineer at any time at his convenience to finalize the O&M & warranties approval.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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