Production Plan and prerequisite milestones

Project Work Program
Project Work Program

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                           : xxx Contracting Company LLC

                               P. O. Box xxx, Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Senior Project Manager

Project                 : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject:                Production Plan and prerequisite milestones

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you following the ongoing coordination and discussions we had till date and the Employer request during the weekly progress meetings to have the first in place pod produced and inspected at M/s xxx (Contractor Name) factory by the end of November xxx to establish the quality benchmark for the mass production which is planned to start in the Month of December xxx.

We have looked at the various phases necessary to achieve the above dates and we have few concerns on some matters that we seek your support in clearing to allow us to move forward as it will impact our production start for first in place POD and mass production.

  1. PODs Shop Drawings approval:

All our shop drawings are approved with comments.

We attach as appendix 1 the compliance statement against all the comments received on all the POD types shop drawings for your reference.

With regards to the comment received from the Engineer to “Consider CDP pipes in POD”, we have added the pipe location and the GI box for external light switch location also and shared with your team on 03November xxx. (Appendix 2)

We require your confirmation on the standardized locations per POD types or provide your final and coordinated standardized location on each POD type to allow us to move forward with production drawings and molds production.

Please be advised that once production is underway, no further change can be accommodated and any change will lead to abortive works and will seriously impact the schedule of deliveries.

Accordingly, if you, your MEP team, or any of your subcontractors who have interfaces with the POD units have any objection or comment on our approved drawings, you are kindly requested to notify us on or before 10 November xxx, otherwise our production line will be proceeding with the works strictly as per our approved shop drawings.

  • Material Submittals and approval:

We have received approvals to 42 material submittals out of 45.

The remaining 3 items listed below are strictly dependable on your MEP subcontractor approvals:

  1. Shaver Socket

We have submitted the MAS ref: xxx Rev.00 on 14 September xxx for MK-Aria brand item #xxx similar to what was approved in previous phase 4 of Port De La Mer project.

The submittal was rejected with a comment: “Contractor to coordinate with MEP subcontractor for the approved wiring accessories/brand & family and provide the same to verify the wiring accessories finishes.” (Appendix 3)

During the progress meetings that followed, the MEP subcontractor advised to submit from Legrand / Mallia. We submitted the same via submittal ref: xxx Rev.01 dated 11 October xxx. However, the submittal was again rejected with a comment “No approved wiring accessories been obtained yet”. (Appendix 4)

Accordingly, we urge you to provide us the wiring accessories approval of your MEP subcontractor to allow us to submit the shaver socket from the same brand/family for approval.

We must notify that the shaver sockets are long lead items that usually require between 08 to 12 weeks for arrival from the date of order.

  • Drainage low pipe noise soil & waste drainage:

We have requested since 05 September xxx for the approval of MEP subcontractor items to use the same for bathroom PODS. (Appendix 5)

Since we haven’t received any feedback, we submitted WAVIN products under submittal ref: PDLM-MW-xxx rev.0 on 21 September xxx as per previous phases 1, 2, 3 & 4 approval.

This submittal was rejected on 23 September xxx.

Following this rejection, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) followed up again with your team and MEP subcontractor and we were informed on 06 October xxx (appendix 6) that your MEP subcontractor is proposing Dblue.

Accordingly, M/s xxx (Contractor Name) prepared and submitted the same for approval under submittal ref: xxx rev.1 on 14 October xxx (appendix 7) but the submittal was again rejected.

Accordingly, we urge you to provide us the approval of your MEP subcontractor to allow us to submit the same.

We must notify that this is a very critical item for our production and we are unable to start casting bases without it and as of this moment the brand is not yet confirmed, so we are unable to identify the lead time required to arrange this product.

  • PEX pipes & fittings:

We have requested since 05 September xxx for the approval of MEP subcontractor items to use the same for bathroom PODS. (Appendix 5)

On 19 October xxx, you shared with us the submittal of your MEP subcontractor which was under review (appendix 8) and we have submitted the same for approval on 20 October xxx but this submittal was rejected. (Appendix 9) 

We must notify that this is a very critical item for our production and we are unable to start our production process without it and as of this moment the brand is not yet confirmed, so we are unable to identify the lead time required to arrange this product.

In summary, these 3 remaining items are not in M/s xxx (Contractor Name) control and directly impact our production mainly PEX pipes and fittings and the drainage low noise items.

The first in place POD completion by end of November xxx might be affected and we will only be able to confirm the date once we have clarified on these MEP products and their procurement lead time.

Once we have the details of approved products, we will advise you on the status of these materials availability and lead time and on the expected completion date of first in place POD.

  • Light fittings material submittals.

We have received the lights material submittals ref: xxx, xxx and xxx approved with 2 major comments from N25 that cannot be complied with. (Appendix 10)

  1. N25 Comment: Third party test report compliant to IEC 60598-1:2020, AMD 1:2017 standards shall be submitted for temperature rise conducted for ambient 50C.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: This test is not available with the supplier or the manufacturer. According to the supplier, this test is available for external and not indoor lights.

  • N25 Comment: warranty certificate to be issued directly from the manufacturer commencing from the date of TOC per the project specifications. Warranty letter from the supplier alone will not suffice.

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) response: Warranty letter from the manufacturer from TOC is not possible to arrange.

The supplier is providing 5 years’ warranty from TOC similar to previous phases of the project.

Kindly advise whether these lights are not acceptable without the required test for 50C and manufacturer warranty to stop the order.

It must be also noted that the lights are extremely long lead items that require 12-14 weeks to be arranged and further delay in the order will impact the production.

  • Production:

Based on your site requirements a daily production of 4 pods/day will be allocated. The production will follow a sequence shared by the Main Contractor (Appendix 11). 

Any change after the production start in the sequence required will have minimum 2 weeks impact on the production and deliveries.

  • Delivery:

Produced pods will be delivered on a daily basis based on site readiness.

The loading platform has to be ready with a third party safety certificate signed prior arranging any delivery to site. Logistics on site has to be arranged by the Main Contractor to avoid detention charges due to non-offloading of pods the same day of its delivery.

  • Installation:

The pods will be delivered to site and shifted into the floor based on the agreed sequence, however final installation will be conditional on obtaining the signed necessary clearances from the Main Contractors’ Civil & MEP teams.

Finally, we would like to conclude that all our approved items are ordered and we look forward to receiving the below to move forward with the procurement of MEP dependable items and start of production of the first in place POD:

  1. Confirmation of CDP & electrical light switch GI box location.
  2. MEP approved materials for shaver socket, PEX pipes & fittings & drainage low pipe noise soil.
  3. Confirmation on the lights materials and warranty.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of M/s xxx (Contractor Name) LLC


Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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