Production Plan and prerequisite milestones

Pods Damaged by other at site
Pods Damaged by other at site

Our Ref: xxx



xxx Contracting LLC

P. O. Box xxx

Dubai, U.A.E.

Attention            : Mr. xxx, Group Procurement Manager

Project                 : : xxx Tower, Dubai – U.A.E.

Subject                 : Production Plan and prerequisite milestones

Dear Sir,

Following the ongoing coordination and discussions we had till date and based on the baseline schedule which you have issued to us on the 15 February xxxx, showing a first delivery on 02 August xxxx, we have looked at the various phases necessary to achieve the above date and we have attached an indicative overall tentative schedule (Appendix A1) to highlight the process considering the following assumptions and key milestones. 

  1. Shop Drawings approval:

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) Engineering process and the requirement to allow us to prepare our shop drawings was explained during several discussions with your technical team and is detailed as below:

  • As per the request to prioritize the production of the mockup during the meeting held at your office on 28th January, we have submitted all the mockup related shop drawings before 28 February xxxx. We kindly require an expedited review/approval process to be able to prepare the production & purchase drawings for the mockup as well as to get the necessary early feedback incorporate any comments to the rest of the pod types.
  • Prior to the preparation of the production drawings, a sample of Free Issue Materials has to be received to confirm the actual size and avoid any rectifications or modifications during production.
  • Following the approval of the mockup drawings, we will, within a month submit the shop drawings of all remaining pod types.

Completing the shop drawing approval phase within the allocated time will be critical to achieving the production plan.

  • Material Submittals and approval:

M/s xxx (Contractor Name) scope for material submittals consists of 23 items (Appendix A2).  All the other items that require approval are Free Issue Items and are not under M/s xxx (Contractor Name) scope for submission.

We require the approval to be received no later than 04 April xxxx to meet the production deadline noted in the attached tentative programme.  However, if this period is for any reason extended, the procurement of long lead items (mainly tiles) may be delayed and will cause production to be pushed accordingly.

  • Procurement:

A detailed procurement schedule will be shared upon receiving approval on all the materials which will allow us to place the necessary orders.

So far as per the supplier information, approximately 90 days will be required for the procurement of the tiles from the date of confirmation and payment.  It is therefore vital to obtain the approval at the earliest possible time on the submitted materials (which are also the specified ones) to allow us to place our orders and mitigate any risk of delay resulting from potential lockdowns, or other consequences which may arise from the current global pandemic situation.

Free Issue Materials should also be received no later than 3 July xxxx, as all materials should be in place at factory before mass production can start.

For the Mockup, the procurement of tiles will require 5 to 6 weeks minimum from the order date which can only be processed upon approval of the material. You are kindly requested to update as well with regards the arrival of free issue materials required for the mockup to our factory.

  • Production:

Our production plan will be following the site requirement which is based on your baseline programme starting from level 1 to level 36 and extending from August xxxx till June xxxx. The production will follow a sequence of pod types that will be discussed and agreed prior to production start.

The production date of the mockup can be confirmed once the materials and shop drawings are approved and upon confirmation of arrival of Free Issue Materials.

  • Delivery:

Based on the site requirements communicated through your baseline programme, we expect that on average one level per week should be delivered. This will require an average daily production of 4 pods per day. Produced pods will be delivered on a daily basis based on site readiness.

  • Installation:

The pods will be delivered to site and shifted into the floor based on the agreed sequence, however final installation will be conditional on obtaining the necessary clearances from the Main Contractors’ Civil & MEP teams.

Finally, we will keep you appraised during the various approval stages on the status of the schedule and we will mutually agree on a production plan and delivery schedule accordingly, to meet your site requirements.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC                                                                      


project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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