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Pods getting damaged at site

Pods Damaged by other at site

Pods Damaged by other at site

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           xxx

                        :           Sr. Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai

Subject            :           Pods getting damaged at site

Dear MR. xxx,

Referring to our previous emails and letter pertaining to the subject matter we would like to bring into your attention that a lot of our works especially the ceilings are getting damaged at site because of water leakage from above our pods. Attached few pictures for your reference and record. This is to remind you that these will have a big impact on the quality of the pods as these were completed to the finest finish possible from our factory.

Please note that the rectification of these damages will have an impact on cost since we have to allocate a separate team for the rectification from our factory. xxx will allocate a team to take a site survey and list out the damages. This report then will be officially submit for your immediate review and action. xxx will commence the rectification works at site only after receiving an official variation order.  

We also request you to take necessary measures and instruct the MEP subcontractor to protect others work as we are in the last stage of the project.

Attached the emails and letter send to you regarding the leakages and damages on the pods at site.

This is for your information and immediate action.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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