Pods Delivery to First Floor

Pods Delivery to First Floor

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/SUN-021

Date                                      : 04th March XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. xxx

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Pods Delivery  

Dear Mr. xxx,

As per your previous letter dated xxx Ref No 096 we would like to inform you the following:

  1. Plot No.QAS-001
    1. Block -1 First Floor           –              6 Pods already at site     March 4, 2014,
    2. Block -1 First Floor           –              6 Pods Delivery on           March 5, 2014.
  2. Plot No. QAS – 004
    1. Block -5 Ground Floor     –              9 Pods Delivery on           March 5, 2014.

We request you to please provide us with the crane and rigger to finish our installation on time.   

Your immediate action in this matter is highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards,


Projects Manager

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