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Pods condition before and after delivery from the factory and MIR comments.

Pod Delivery Schedule

Pod Delivery Schedule

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Middle East,

                                    P.O.Box xxx,

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Towers Project, Dubai

Subject                 : Pods condition before and after delivery from the factory and MIR comments.

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you with regards to the comments we have received from your quality control team upon the arrival of the pods to site and the subsequent rejection to the pod MIRs and we would like to inform the following:

Pod Production

During the production process each pod passes through a series of rigorous check points after every single activity where quality and workmanship are both monitored until obtaining a snag free pod ready for delivery. The quality report is handed over to you with each delivered pod.  Your quality control team are invited to visit the factory at any time to inspect the process and provide their comments prior to delivering the pods.

In addition to that, the pods are produced using only approved materials as well as Free Issue Materials which you have delivered to our factory prior to production. Furthermore, the pods are built in full compliance with the both the approved shop drawings as well as the mockups which have been inspected and approved by the Consultant at our factory.

All pods leave the production line fully compliant and snag free.

Pod Transportation and delivery

Following the first deliveries that reached to site which include the mockup pods that have been already inspected and approved by the consultant in the factory, we have received a list of comments from your quality team relating to observed paint or grout cracks or loose items.

These are minor issues that relate to the expected movement during transportation of the pods. In order the mitigate against such movements at the start of deliveries, we load each pod on the lowbed trailer ensuring that once loaded each pod remains snag free and properly secured to avoid major movements during transportation.

As the pods are transported over long cross border distances between our factory in Ras Al Khaimah (UAE) and your project site in Oman, sustained road vibrations /irregularities which are expected during transit may cause some minor cracks or snags. From our experience, these minor issues can be expected, and are attended to by Xxxx prior to the final handing over.

We can also confirm to you that upon the removal of the current border restrictions and once a number of pods has been installed, Xxxx will send a team to site to attend to any such comment which arises due to transportation.

We would also like to raise to your attention that some damages might also occur during lifting, offloading, and maneuvering of the pods at site, and we advise that such operations be undertaken with the utmost care to avoid excessive damages.

In closing

We must remind you that in accordance with our Work Order No. 4400001059, Other Terms & Condition, Inspection, clause (e): “all pods acceptance is subjected to the inspection and approval by the consultants in supplier’s factory.” Accordingly, pods should be approved by the consultant in factory and prior to delivery.

As a gesture of goodwill and based on your request, Xxxx has so far delivered the pods to site without receiving prior approval in factory based on the understanding that this would not impact in anyway the approval of the pods. This is also in due consideration that in accordance with the Work Order, damages due to transport shall be attended by Xxxx, which we again emphasize in this letter.

Therefore, we kindly request that you relook into the status of approval of delivered pods and release the approval at the earliest.

In the event the rejection of delivered pods is maintained, Xxxx will have no other option but to revert back to the approval clause of the Work Order and request an official inspection and approval from the Consultant on the pods at our factory prior to delivery.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of  xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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