Our earlier letter ref no: CC/269/CM/52 dated: xxx & our concern.
Date: xxx
Ref: CC/269/CM/62
To : M/s. xxx, Dubai, UAE
Kind Attn : Mr. xxx
Project : 2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai U.A.E.
Subject :Regarding our previous letter ref no: CC/269/CM/52 dated: 04-07-2017 & our concern.
Dear Sir,
With reference to above, we would like to inform you the following to superseded previous letter ref: CC/AP/CM/52 and Metalu invoice ref: CC/269/METALU/INV/01.
1. Till dated we didn’t have any formal variation approval from the consultant.
2. We forwarded the invoices for Metalu with AED 8,841.00 dhs, but we received email from your office CC to us that City max approve only AED 8,000 dhs (discrepancy in claim in invoice and your mail amount.)
So, we want to inform you that we required this variation approval instruction from the consultant and this variation amount to be released after approval of the variation and main contractor will not be responsible for any dispute in future. If variation amount released to the sub-contractor without formal approval and this communication superseded previous communication and instruction stated in our ref: CC/269/CM/52 dated: 04-07-2017.
This is for your information and to do need full as well as act accordingly.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C
Project Manager