Ongoing comments and changes on the Design

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Mideast

                                   Oman Branch

Attention          :           Mr. xxx Sing

Project             :           xxx Building, Oman

Subject                 : Ongoing comments and changes on the Design

Dear Sir,

Referring to your letter reply xxx (Attach. 001) and referring to the email from Mr. xxxx (Attach. 002), and referring to the comments on P1L and P1R Shop Drawing (Attach. 003),  all received today 15/06/xxxx, and attached with this letter, please find my reply bellow.

First, your claim that our re-submission do not comply to the comments received on 04/06/xxxx Shop Drawings is invalid. Here is a breakdown of all the MEP comments of P1L & P1R Rev01 received on 04/06/xxxx (Attach. 004) which your team is specifically concerned about, and to which we complied to in our re-submission, Rev 02 on 10/06/xxxx (Attach. 005): 

  • Shower drain to be coordinated with tile layout – Complied, it was already correct in Rev01
  • Floor Drain location to be coordinated with tiling layout – Complied, it was already correct in Rev01
  • Provide and show shower mixer angle valve dimension – Complied, mentioned in the drawing that the distance between the two angle valves will be determined by the shower mixer requirements. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the Wash basin mixer angle valve dimension – Complied, dimensions placed. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the Hygiene spray and Flush tank angle valve dimension – Complied, mentioned in the drawing that the distance between the two angle valves will be determined by the materials requirements. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the fixing arrangement of the manifold – Complied, Details and pictures provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0014. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the water pipe fixing arrangement – Complied, Details and pictures provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0014. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the angle valve for ablution spray – Complied, angle valve shown and tagged in the drawing in sections and in water supply layout. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.

Additionally details and pictures are provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0014. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.

  • Cold water supply CWS-03 should be on the left side and CWS-04 on the right side – Complied, corrected. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Submit sectional Drawings for conforming installation of ceiling rose and Drive for the light fittings – Complied, Details and pictures provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0015. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.
  • Water hammer Arrestor shall be provided in upright position – Not in our scope and we sent you the related documents to prove it. (Attach. 006)
  • Manifold should be easily accessible for maintenance from access panel (Previous comment it should be easily accessible from shaft to connect it) – Complied, manifold was relocated to be near the shaft and access panel simultaneously. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Thermostatic valve shall be easy accessible – Not in our scope and we sent you the related documents to prove it. (Attach. 006)
  • Provide and show the CDP connection – Complied, Details provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0015. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.
  • Provide and show the vertical PEX pipe connection details – Complied, all PEX pipe details and pictures are provided in sheet IPA-SPOSO24-SHD-KO-A0-1-0014. Refer to Rev0 Submitted on 11/06/xxxx.
  • Coordinate with other MEP services – Complied, we followed the access panel locations you provide us with and we followed the slab cut-outs for the drains you sent us. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.
  • Additionally since the manifold was relocated and was clashing with the electrical junction box, we shifted the electrical junction box to a new location while satisfying both requirements of it being close to the shaft and access panel at the same time. Refer to Rev02 Submitted on 10/06/xxxx.

 As clarified above we complied to all your MEP comments on P1L & P1R Rev 01. The same applies to all other PODS and we resubmitted them on 10/06/xxxx. Similarly, we complied to all other comments on the Plans and sections sheets as well. Refer to the latest Shop Drawings submitted on 10/06/xxxx.

Second, today 15/06/xxxx we received through Aconex, two of XXXX drawings modified by Shapoorji (CAD drawings of P1L and P1R MEP sheets rev01) (Attach. 003). You are saying that these are new comments but the following are my observations and concerns:

  • The received are our old CAD drawings Rev01 modified by Shapoorji, when we have already submitted Rev02 on 10/06/xxxx. 
  • There are no comments anywhere on the received files. They consist of only modified CAD file with no PDF’s.
  • Inside the CAD file there are no clouds for us to identify what you modified.
  • Regardless, after a detailed study of your modifications on our old CAD files, we noticed that you completely disregarded your own comments on Rev01 which you sent on 04/06/xxxx (Attach. 004).

As such kindly clarify what you want us to do with these CAD files, knowing that they are in complete contradiction with your previous comments and there are no indications for their purpose.

As a conclusion and referring back to your claims, please highlight to us specifically which comments are not addressed in our latest submission, explain exactly why you have worries about our drawings and please pinpoint the drawings quality issues you are claiming we have.

Furthermore, the Shop Drawings should only be revised & submitted by us and we will not accept any modification done from your side before reaching the consultant. If you have additional comments or you need to change something new please send us the comments on our latest submitted PDF sheets only and we will revise the drawings accordingly. You are also free to send us supporting CAD files separately that are clear to convey the required modifications.

I highly appreciate your support, in sharing with us all future comments and change requests, clearly and professionally, to be able to do our engineering work properly.

Finally, please note that we need a clear stamped approval with no comments on the full set of Shop Drawings to be able to commence production. A partial approval is not accepted and we are not responsible for the delay caused by your failure to provide us with such approval.


On behalf of Xxx LLC


Project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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