Notice of Delay – Tower 16A

Variation notification
Variation notification

Letter Ref. xxx

Date: xxx

M/s xxx

P. O. Box xxx, Doha, Qatar

T. xxx

E.   xxx

Attention        :           Ms. xxxx

                                    Technical Manager

Project            :           xxx Qatar     

Subject            :           Notice of Delay – Tower 16A

Dear Sir,

We refer to our ongoing works on the above referred project; we would like to draw your attention regarding our inability to start the installation of Kitchen due to the following;

  1. MEP Testing & Commissioning not yet completed
  2. All the ceiling works have to be completed prior to the installation.
  3. Ceilings are to be closed prior to Kitchen Installation.
  4. All Wall Tiling Works shall be completed prior to installation.
  5. All defected floor tiles to be replace.
  6. All the drainage and electrical points which affect the Kitchen Cabinets area to be rectified.
  7. At least first coat of paint to be applied to walls and ceiling
  8. At least main door for each flat to be installed with accessories.

Please be informed that any delays in completing the above referred activities which will delay our progress of works shall not be our responsibility, we reserve our rights for extension of time of completion.

This is for your information and necessary action.

Sincerely yours,

For Xxx (Name of the Subcontractor) Interiors LLC


Commercial Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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