Method Statement Title: Testing and Commissioning of Final Distribution Boards.

Method Statement Title: Testing and Commissioning of Final Distribution Boards.

Method Statement Title: Testing and Commissioning of Final Distribution Boards.

1.0       Scope

1.1       This method statement details the Testing and Commissioning of Final Distribution board (DBs) according to the specification section 16415.

2.0       Material

  • All the materials shall be as per approved material submittals.
  • Size and number of way of the DB shall be as per approved shop drawing and  load schedule.
  • Identifications and labels.

3.0       Applicable Location

  • Respective electrical rooms, LV rooms and Appartments in E1,E2,E3 & W1,W2,W3 Towers, Podium and Villas.

4.0       Instruments.

4.1       Insulation tester.

4.2       ELCB tester.

4.4       Multimeter.

Note : The instruments used for  testing and commissioning shall be checked and ensured that they are calibrated and the current valid calibration reports are filed for record.

5.0       Method

5.1       Physical check – Conduct A thorough visual check is conducted to ensure the components and the connections are made correctly, and recorded on the checklist as attached.

5.2       Polarity check – Conduct polarity check to ensure the switch and the screw lamp connections are correct and record on the attached format.

5.3       Continuity check – With the help of a Multimeter, the continuity of all the circuits are checked and ensured the resistance value is under the permissible limit.

5.4       Insulation check – Use a insulation tester to check is there any break down of insulation between conductors, if any replace it immediately. Also record the insulation resistance value of all the circuit in the attached format.

5.5       ELCB and Polarity Test – With the help of ELCB tester check the function of the earth leakage circuit breaker at  rated current.

7.0       Records

            7.1       Commissioning check list and test format at attached.

            7.2       Inspection request duly signed-off by NMX and Consultant.

8.0       Attachment

            8.1       Check list and test format.

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