Method Statement Title: Start-up and Commissioning of Fire Water Pumps

Method Statement Title: Start-up and Commissioning of Fire Water Pumps

Method Statement Title: Start-up and Commissioning of Fire Water Pumps


The scope of this Method Statement is to define the method of Start-up and Commissioning of Fire Water Pumps installed within Burj Dubai – The Residences, in accordance with the Specification Sections 15500 applicable NFPA and manufacturer’s instructions attached.


  1. The Testing and Commissioning of Fire Fighting System will be covered under a separate Method Statement Ref.ETA/MS/P-14. This will also include the required test formats.
  • For installation of Fire Water Pumps refer to Method Statement Ref:ETA/MS/P-007.

2.0       Material

            Refer to Appendix 1 – Schedule of  Fire Water Pumps.

3.0       Test Equipment

  • Digital Multimeter 

            3.2       Clamp Meter


            The calibration certificates of testing instruments shall be verified prior to usage and copies shall be included in the test reports.

4.0       Pre-commissioning checks prior to start-up

4.1       Mechanical

                        4.1.1    Check and inspect the installation of Fire Water Pump is complete, verify the installation as per approved drawings.

                        4.1.2    Verify compliance to the attached manufacturer’s installation instructions.

  • Obtain installation certification from manufacturer or their authorized representative.

4.1.4    Check and ensure adequate clearance available for service and maintenance of pumps and motors.

                        4.1.5    Check the installation is coordinated with other services.

                        4.1.6    Ensure the shipping bolts / chambers are removed. 

  • Check all nuts, bolts, screws, fastners etc., are fixed and tightened as required.
  • Ensure the piping is pressure tested. Verify test certificates.
  • Check all piping connections are complete at pumps, flow meter and pressure relief line including flexible connections where applicable.
  • Check and ensure the piping is flushed and cleaned.

                        4.1.11  Check the alignment is completed as per manufacturer’s instructions.

4.1.12  Check and verify the water level in the water tank is full.

  • Check and ensure the safety guards are in place and secure.
  • Adjust desired cut-in and cut off pressure as per requirements.
  • Rotate the pump manually and ensure free and smooth rotation.
  • Ensure the pumps are cleaned prior to start-up and all identification labels and tags are in place.

            4.2       Electrical

4.2.1    Check all power cabling and control wiring is completed and dressed neatly.    

                        4.2.2    Check the power isolator is fixed close to the pump motor for emergency stop and power isolation.

4.2.3    Check all terminations are completed and tightened as required.

                        4.2.4    Check the grounding connections are completed and tightened as required.

                        4.2.5    Ensure the overload protections are set correctly as per the pump motor load current.

                        4.2.6    Ensure all identification tags and labeling works are complete.

5.0       Start-up and Testing

  • Electric Driven
  • Open suction gate valves.
  • Check that pumps is full of water and that all air contained in pumps has been allowed to escape through the air release valve.
  • Compress packing evenly with gland (Gland nut should be finger tight).
  • Lower setting of pressure switch (senses discharge pressure) to prevent pump from starting.
  • Place the main disconnect switch in the `ON’ position.
  • Place circuitry breaker in the `ON’ position and check if Power on light is illuminated.
  • Check direction of driver rotation by pressing momentarily the `Start’ and then `Stop’ push buttons on the controller (proper direction is indicated by arrow on pump casing), for in-line pump use a light on shaft to see rotation (this is clockwise looking down from top of motor). If rotation is wrong interchange motor leads in panel per instructions in panel.
  • Bring the timer setting down to one (1) minute for automatic start test purpose.
  • Open system butterfly valve.
  • Bleed the system by opening a valve on the pressure sensing line to create a pressure drop.
  • As soon as fire pump starts check if full load current valve is within the electric motor name plate rating with service factor taken into account.
  • Check packing adjustment to obtain slight leak of approximately 1 drop per second.
  • After running for one minute (time set on the running period timer), stop pump with stop button. If you try stopping it before the time set on the timer, the pump will not stop.
  • Bleed again until desired start-up pressure is attained.
  • Allow jockey pump to stop automatically at pressure switch setting.
  • Measure the total flow of water from the pump, at the outlet, and verify the same against the design requirements. Record the results in the commissioning format.
  • Automatic Operation
  • Open system butterfly valve and turn all the isolating valves to the fully open position.
  • Place the main disconnect switch one the ON position.
  • Switch fire pump circuit breaker to the ON position.
  • Switch the jockey pump to AUTO (the power ON light must be lit).
  • Record all pump and motor nameplate data in the commissioning format.
  • Ensure compliance to all manufacturer’s start-up and commissioning instructions, as applicable.

6.0       Safety

            6.1       Only experienced and skilled personnel shall be engaged for start-up and commissioning of chilled water pumps.

            6.2       Safety guards shall be in place and secured prior to start-up.

            6.3       Cable test reports shall be verified prior to energisation.

            6.4       Warning signs and tapes shall be placed during start-up and commissioning as required.

            6.5       All safety procedures shall be followed in accordance with the project health and safety plan.

            6.6       Safety Officer shall check and ensure all safety precautions are followed.

7.0       Records

7.1       WIR (for Witness of start-up and commissioning) duly signed by NMX and Consultants

            7.2       Signed-off pre-commissioning check lists

            7.3       Commissioning reports

            7.4       Calibration certificates of testing instruments

8.0       References

            8.1       Specification Sections 15500

  • Applicable standards – NFPA

            8.3       Manufacturer’s start-up and commissioning instructions.

            8.4       Approved Fire Water Pump submittals / drawings.

            8.5       Approved shop drawings.

9.0       Attachments

            9.1       Annexure-I Schedule of Pumps

            9.2       Pre-commissioning checklist

            9.3       Plant performance test sheet.

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