Method Statement Title: Installation of Water Heaters

Method Statement Title: Installation of Water Heaters

Method Statement Title: Installation of Water Heaters


1.1       This method statement applies to installation of water heaters as approved.

2.0       Purpose

2.1       Purpose of this method statement is to outline the method of storage, handling and installation of water heaters and pertaining accessories.

3.0       Material 

            3.1       Ceiling mounted water heaters

            3.2       Pressure and temperature relief (P&T) valves

4.0       Applicable Location

            4.1       East and West Towers

            4.2       Villas & Podium

5.0       Method

5.1       Receiving

5.1.1    When received at site, heaters shall be checked for quantities, model numbers and physical damages, if any.

5.1.2    P&T Valves shall be checked for size, model and quantity, receiving inspection shall be conducted by the storekeeper, engineer and QC Engineer of ETA.

5.1.3    P&T Valves and drain cock shall be segregated as per sizes / models and stored on racks within covered area.

5.1.4    Any items found damaged or not found suitable as per the project requirements shall be quarantined, non-compliant materials shall be clearly marked and stored separately to prevent any inadvertent use until returned to vendor. 

            5.2       Storage

5.2.1    Upon completion of receiving QC inspection the heaters will be segregated model / size wise and stored accordingly for easy retrieval.

5.2.2    Water heaters shall be stored on a flat surface in ventilated and covered area and protected from dust.

5.2.3    Inlet, outlet blanks shall not be removed until ready for connection to pipe work.

                        5.2.4    Manufacturer’s instruction shall be strictly followed as applicable.

5.2.5    Storekeeper will be responsible for proper storage and maintenance of records, as required.

            5.3       Preparation

5.3.1    Check and ensure that the shop drawings used are latest and approved for construction.

                        5.3.2    Check coordination with other services prior to the installation.

5.3.3    Check the piping supports locations and power supply routing locations in coordination water heater and piping layout and ensure it does not obstruct the space around water heater for removal and maintenance.

5.3.4    Ensure easy access and sufficient clearance for servicing and maintenance i.e. for replacement of water heaters, thermostat, heating elements.

            5.4       Installation

5.4.1    Install the fabricated water heater support.

5.4.2    Install the water heater on the support.

5.4.3  Complete the piping and valve package installation as per approved drawings.  Remove the end caps on the inlet, outlet points.

5.4.4    Install the electrical power connections as per approved drawings.

5.4.5    Connect the P&T valve.

5.4.6   Check and ensure availability of adequate access for removal and maintenance of water heater.

5.4.7   Provide grounding wiring as per approved drawings / suppliers instruction.

5.4.8   Ensure compliance to the manufacturers instructions while installing the water heaters.

6.0       Inspection

6.1       After completion of Water heaters and piping connections, the same shall be inspected and certified by ETA/QA/QC Engineer.

6.2       “Work Inspection Request” shall be raised for NMX and Consultants inspection and sign off.

7.0       Safety

7.1       All safety precautions shall be followed as per established project safety plan and procedure.

7.2       Only experienced and skilled technicians shall be engaged for carrying out this work.

7.3       The people involved in the installation shall have PPE such as safety helmets, safety shoes, gloves, coverall, goggles, etc. as required.

            7.4       Safety Officer shall check and ensure that all safety precautions are followed.

7.5       Safety Officer shall check and ensure that all scaffolding and ladders used at site are having duly signed tags.

8.0       Reference

            8.1       Manufacturers catalogue

            8.2       Approved Water heater schedule

            8.3       Shop drawings

9.0       Records

9.1       “Work Inspection Request” duly signed by NMX and Consultant for installation.

            9.2       Signed-off water heaters check list

10.0     Attachment

10.1     Installation check sheet for Water heater

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