- Purpose of Work
This work procedure describes the method to be adopted for Jack Propping Support at Basement 1 Slab as shown in the
drawings and as directed by the engineer in charge. - Equipment’s Required
U – Jack
Vertical Slab
Base Plate - Man Power Deployments
Staff Details:
Project manager
Project Engineer
Q/A –Q/C
Safety Officer
Labour Details:
Shuttering Carpenter – 10 nos.
Helpers – 5 nos. - Method / Procedure :
Before removing the frame and support of the slab, the Jack Propping will be placed before the removal of
the slab frame as the replacement support. The removal will be as per row with corresponding distances as per
shown in the drawing.
Well trained, experienced and appropriate personnel shall be deployed to carry out jobs and experienced
supervisors the jobs to look after and ensure the safeness of the work.
Working platform shall be kept clean at all times and under no circumstances should they be utilized for
stockpiling of materials.
We are kindly requesting you to give us permission to do the Jack Propping Support at Basement 1 Slab, since we already
completed the casting of Basement 1 Slab for about 14 days today (February 25, 2016).
We are taking the responsibility for any consequences happened. Herewith attached the plan and section for the said