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Leveling the pods

Pods Delivery

Pods Delivery

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/SUN-027

Date                                      : 7th April XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. xxx

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Leveling the pods

Dear Mr. xxx,

During our coordination meeting on 31st March xxx we discussed about the level on the floors and under your strict instruction to site team we are placing the pods according to the finished floor level provided by the site.

In the pod design you are aware and approved the height of the windows with 10mm packing in the slab and we have maintained all the pods accordingly. We are building the pods to the approved drawings.

xxx should be provided with the right level and marking on the floor for the bathroom and we will coordinate with the site in-charge for the particular plot and install these pods.

We cannot take the responsibility for the building floor having different levels but definitely we can work together to resolve this.

As you requested we are removing from the window area one layer of gypsum and fixing it to the top adjusting the height where your floors are not level. But to modify the windows by removing the tiles and profile will be an extra cost.

Also I would like to bring into your attention the letter we have send to you on 31st March xxx Ref/xxx regarding the same issue.

Thanks and regards,


Projects Manager

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