JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Installation of Communication Sub-Ducts

Hazard Meaning and Definition
Hazard Meaning and Definition

The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out

  TASK: Installation of Communication Sub-Ducts    Date: October 29th, 2007
1Laying Sub-DuctsUse of hand toolsCuts, abrasions, broken bones, eye injuriesSupervisor to inspect hand tools prior to commencement of works to ensure tools are in good condition. Site minimum PPE to be worn at all times 
  Manual handling operations (MHO’s)Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries, eye injuriesMaximum use of equipment to reduce need for MHO’s MHO Training prior to any work being carried out (Toolbox talk attached) This training is to be documented
Wearing of gloves Wearing of safety shoes Wearing of safety glasses
  DustPoor visibility, respiratory  Injuries Dust explosionAn effective Dust suppression programme will be in place prior to the works commencing, and thereafter as necessary to suppress the dust sufficiently. In the event that the dust suppression programme fails operatives will be issued suitable RPE. In the event the dust causes restricted vision, operatives will be removed from the excavation. 
  Extreme heatDehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat strokeReady supply of cold water and Oral rehydration products ie Salt & Dextrose tablets. No work to be conducted under the sun between 12:00 & 15:00 (July & August only). In the event that natural airflow is restricted, industrial air movers will be employed. No worker shall work within the excavation for longer than 40 minutes without a ten minute break in a shaded area which will be provided for this purpose. 
  Unplanned vehicle movementsPlant on plant incidents. Pedestrian injuriesA strict Plant / Vehicle and operative / pedestrian separation regime will be enforced. 
This JHA was prepared by:- This JHA was authorised by:-
Max Morales Safety Manager OAJ-JV   Date:- October 29th, 2007Ahmed Khadro Section Manager OAJ-JV   Date:- October 29th, 2007
  TASK:__________________________________________________________________    Date: ___________________
 Persons in ChargeDesignationSignature

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By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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