Electrical Wires for xxx
Ref : XXX/1437/SUN-XXX
Date : 15th April XXX
Attention : Mr. xxx
Subject : Electrical Wires for xxx
Dear Mr. Jamal,
As per the agreed quantity we need to supply to xxx based on the letter xxx 014 dated 20th January xxx, we had already supplied the following quantity to site on 22nd March and 10th February.
Description | Quantity Delivered on 22nd March | Quantity Delivered on 10th February | Total | Units |
single core cable wire 4mm yellow | 5 | 5 | 10 | roll |
single core cable wire 4mm red | 5 | 5 | 10 | roll |
single core cable wire 4mm blue | 5 | 5 | 10 | roll |
single core cable wire 4mm black | 15 | 15 | 30 | roll |
single core cable wire 4mm Y/G | 15 | 15 | 30 | roll |
Here we have to remind you that we haven’t received the variations approved for the extra work we are doing in the pods. But as a part of cooperation we have issued these quantities of wires without waiting for any approvals. This also includes the extra point provided outside the pod for xxx. At this point of time we cannot proceed to deliver the balance quantities without the variation being approved.
Here Unipods cannot take the silly blame of Al Hani’s whole MEP delay in works because of the 3rd part of wires are not being delivered.
Hope you understand and will do the needful at the earliest.
Thanks and regards,
Projects Manager