Discrepancy of Steel Quantity DO submitted and Quantity of Steel Delivered against Cheque Prepared by xxx
Date : xxx
Ref : CC/269/CM/71
To : M/s. xxx, Dubai, UAE
Kind Attn : Mr. xxx
Project : 2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai U.A.E.
Subject : Discrepancy of Steel Quantity D.O submitted and Quantity of Steel Delivered against Cheque Prepared by City Max
Dear All,
With reference to above mentioned subject, we would like to inform you that we sent the performa invoice for 110 tons steel as per our LPO with steel unit rate for that particular day but the date when we received the cheque copy which was more than 15 days after and the supplier did not accept the unit rate mentioned in our LPO because the current market rate was increased.
Moreover, we agreed with the supplier to supply the steel as per the cheque prepared by City Max for the quantity within the cheque amount with new increased market rate and quantity accordingly.
So, we have no objection for the quantity delivered by the supplier that is 107.4 tons against the cheque copy provided by your office for 110 tons steel.
Kindly issue the cheque to steel supplier with our approval that we have no objection for the less quantity which happened due to market fluctuation.
Thanking you,
For xxx Contracting L.L.C
Project Manager