Delivery of Pods (Reply to Letter xxx 127)

Delivery of Pods (Reply to Letter xxx 127)

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/SUN-XXX

Date                                      : 15th April XXX

To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING

Attention                            : Mr. xxx

Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION

Subject                                 : Delivery of Pods (Reply to Letter xxx 127)

Dear Mr. xxx,

We received the letter regarding the 3 pipes on the drain, but here I have to correct that these pods are for Plot 004-Block-3, 4th Floor which is Type 1, 2, & 3. As you know the ground floor and forth floor pods are the same types in terms of sizes and are manufactured as per approved drawings. Here you have to understand that we have also arranged many special fittings from Cosmoplast so as to provide Al Hani with the 2 pipes solution. 

This is inform you that there were 18 pods build and ready with us for the ground floors for Plot 004-Block 2 & Block 3, which were cancelled and we have to use these pods on the fourth floor. We understand Al Hani’s concerns regarding the drainage for these pods, as this was not discussed before the pods were at site.

To resolve this situation I had visited the site and discussed with xxx in the presence of Mr. xxx and come to a point where we agreed to work together. As agreed I will be sending my plumbing team leader to site tomorrow with the required plumbing materials to show Al Hani with the right solution. After that they can proceed with the drainage scope of works.

Hopefully this will resolved so that we can proceed with the deliveries.

I appreciate your cooperation and support from all in this matter.

Thanks and regards,


Projects Manager

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