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Snagging and De-snagging

Snagging and De-snagging

M/s xxx Pojects Co.

P.O. Box xxx, Riyadh, K.S.A

Tel : xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention:       Mr. xxx

                        Chief Executive Officer

Cc:                  Eng. xxx

                        Sr. Project Engineer

                        Eng. xxx

                        Project Manager

Project:          xxx Project -KSA      

Subject:        DAMAGED MATERIAL ON SITE           

Dear Sirs,

This is to inform you that the material we delivered on site has been damaged as there was no proper storage available. This will affect our products’ quality in particular and will eventually hamper our program’s progress as a whole.

You are requested to ensure proper storage for the material in order to avoid further delays.

The same is for your kind information and necessary action.

Best Regards,

For: Xxx(Name of the Sub-Contractor) Interiors L.L.C.


Commercial Manager             

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