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confirmation from the lift contractor for the delivery of the material

Lift contract draft

Lift contract draft

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject      :    Regarding confirmation from the lift contractor for the delivery of the material

                        and invoice  raised  for major equipment delivery(75% of material cost).

Dear Sir

With reference to the above, as we received a communication from your end, to have a confirmation from lift supplier to confirm the material and we are submitting the same.

Kindly note the following.

  1. The invoice submitted by the lift supplier for the cost of the major equipment, material delivered at the site and excluding minor material. So the invoice amount for the cost of the major equipment and it must be paid fully as per clause 60.1, page 6 of 20 ” Appendix to form of tender” from  contract document volume 1.
  2. The 10% reduction for the retention should be for the permanenet work only. The value of the permanent work executed and certified by Engineer.
  3. The major equipment delivery, and to be paid as per clause 60.1&60.2 which is 75%   of actual value for the material deliver, so no further reduction applicable from the material cost claim in our invoice.
  4. Our invoice of the month of February and March, payment has not been released by the employer till date. Because of the delay in the payment our project progress has been impacted severly already as we notified previously and discussed in the meeting held on January 05 2017 for delay in the payment.

So, this is for your kind information and request to intimate the employer to release the payment of the certified invoice to avoid further delay and if any concerned of the employer will be need to adjust in next invoice if any.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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