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Clarification in relation to Hairline cracks observed in pod bases.

What is crack in concrete

What is crack in concrete

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Middle East,

                                    P.O.Box xxx,

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Towers Project, Dubai

Subject                 : Clarification in relation to Hairline cracks observed in pod bases.

Dear Sir,

We are writing to you with regards to comments we have received in relation to cracks observed on the bottom of the concrete base on some of pods lifted on site.

The concrete base of the pod is not a structural slab. The purpose of the base is to provide rigidity to the pod during transportation. Therefore, although we provide reinforcement within the base, it becomes redundant once the pod is placed on the floor slab essentially then taking the role of finishing screed.

While no cracks have been observed at the time of loading at factory, the appearance of hair line cracks can be expected during transportation/lifting/offloading due to the size and flexibility of the bases.

Accordingly, we confirm that the cracks observed are not defects and do not have any impact on the structure of the pod or on its waterproofing which are covered under our 10 year warrantee.

We also hereby confirm that these cracks do not require any treatment.

Based on the above, we would like to reassure you again that these cracks do not affect the performance of the pods and we kindly request that you revise the MIR status of the delivered pods in due consideration of the above.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of  xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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