Biography of Geologists, Paleontologists and Geographers Eratosthenes

Eratosthenes: Ancient Greek Polymath and Father of Geography

Early Life and Education:
Eratosthenes of Cyrene was born around 276 BCE in the Greek city of Cyrene, located in present-day Libya. He hailed from a prominent family and received a comprehensive education, studying under the scholars of his time. Eratosthenes demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for various disciplines, including mathematics, astronomy, poetry, and philosophy.

While in Athens, Eratosthenes became a student of the philosopher Lysanias and studied under the mathematician and scholar Arcesilaus. He later moved to Alexandria, the intellectual center of the Hellenistic world, where he continued his education and expanded his knowledge in various fields.

Chief Librarian of the Library of Alexandria:
Eratosthenes’s scholarly pursuits earned him recognition and respect. He became involved in the intellectual circles of Alexandria and developed close connections with influential figures. Around 236 BCE, Ptolemy III Euergetes appointed Eratosthenes as the chief librarian of the Library of Alexandria, succeeding Apollonius of Perga.

As the chief librarian, Eratosthenes had access to a vast repository of knowledge, and he played a crucial role in the organization and preservation of the library’s extensive collection.

Measurement of Earth’s Circumference:
One of Eratosthenes’s most famous achievements was his calculation of the Earth’s circumference. According to historical accounts, Eratosthenes learned that in the city of Syene (modern-day Aswan), located to the south of Alexandria, the Sun was directly overhead at noon during the summer solstice, as indicated by the absence of a shadow.

Realizing that the Sun’s rays were casting no shadows in Syene but were at an angle in Alexandria, Eratosthenes hypothesized that the Earth’s surface was curved. By measuring the angle of the shadow cast by a vertical rod in Alexandria at the same time the Sun was directly overhead in Syene, Eratosthenes used simple geometry to estimate the Earth’s circumference.

His calculated value of approximately 39,375 kilometers (24,662 miles) was remarkably close to the modern measurement of Earth’s equatorial circumference, demonstrating the impressive accuracy of his methods.

Contributions to Geography and Cartography:
Eratosthenes made significant contributions to the field of geography. He is credited with coining the term “geography” and is often referred to as the “Father of Geography.” His work included creating a world map based on his understanding of geography and incorporating information from explorers and travelers.

Eratosthenes’s map, unfortunately, did not survive, but descriptions of it suggest that it was a groundbreaking representation of the known world, encompassing Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Literary and Academic Contributions:
Eratosthenes was a prolific author, producing numerous works covering a wide range of subjects. His writings included treatises on mathematics, astronomy, geography, and literary criticism. He also wrote poetry and plays.

In his role as the chief librarian, Eratosthenes actively curated the library’s collection and expanded its holdings. He was involved in various scholarly pursuits, engaging in debates with fellow scholars and contributing to the intellectual vibrancy of Alexandria.

Eratosthenes’s legacy endures as one of the greatest polymaths of antiquity. His contributions to mathematics, astronomy, geography, and cartography laid the groundwork for future developments in these fields. The method he used to calculate the Earth’s circumference demonstrated a pioneering approach to scientific inquiry and measurement.

Eratosthenes passed away around 194 BCE in Alexandria, leaving behind a legacy of intellectual achievements that continue to inspire scientists and scholars to this day. His work exemplifies the spirit of curiosity and rigorous investigation that characterizes the pursuit of knowledge.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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