Airside Operational Area Safety Plan Construction of Taxiway Lima Intersection with Existing Runway

Risk Assessment Procedure Step wise Guide
Risk Assessment Procedure Step wise Guide


  1. Purpose
  • Scope of Work / Airside Operational Restrictions
  • Definitions
  • References
  • Materials
  • Plant and Equipment
  • Safety and Security
  • Responsibilities
  • Annex A:  Air Traffic Control  (ATC) – Runway Curfew Procedures
  1. Attachments
  1. Purpose
  1. Aviation and Operational Safety during construction is the primary consideration in developing a work plan for the Pavement and Utility Infrastructure Construction at the Taxiway Lima intersection to Existing Runway 13R-31L and Taxiway Zulu.  The objective of this Method Statement for Airside Operational Area (AOA) safety during construction is to identify site specific considerations and establish security and safety performance standards to be implemented during the execution of the constructions activities adjacent to and within the Airside Operational boundary.
  • Project Overview

2.1       Project Location

The Taxiway Lima intersection to Existing Runway 13R-31L is as shown on Halcrow Drawing No. PGAD 745/1008/C/138, Revision E.  Construction activities will be confined to the area within the Airside Operational Area, North of Taxiway “Z” (Zulu), westerly to the limits of work adjacent to Taxiway Lima, and easterly to the limits of work adjacent to Taxiway Kilo. The northerly limit as described is bound by the alignment of the Stage 1 temporary and interim fence at approximately 2165 N, or 165 meters north of the Existing Runway 13R-31L centerline.

A planned intersection to Existing Runway 13R-31L at Taxiway Mike (14) will not be constructed at this time.

  • Scope of Work

The construction activities to be performed within the above-described work locale include:  

  • Trial excavation for existing utility verification and documentation; protection of existing services.
  • Excavation to formation levels.
  • Haulage of excavated materials from within the AOA to adjacent or landside disposal.
  • Excavation and installation of future use communication and AGL lighting ducts via conventional cut and cover methods.
  • Aerodrome transformer housing pits, blinding, and surrounds.
  • Formation level earthworks, grading and compaction.
  • Select fill placement, sub base grading and compaction including prime coat application.
  • Milling of existing bituminous surfaces, new bituminous pavements, markings, and barriers.
  • Installation of AGL secondary ducts (AGL lighting works by others).
  • Work Considerations / Operational Restrictions

Airport operational restrictions will be implemented during the execution of the construction activities for the Taxiway Lima crossing.  Existing Runway 13R-31L will be closed daily during execution of works within 75 meters of the Existing Runway centerline for a “Curfew Period”, identified to be from 0330 hours (3:30AM local time) to 0700 hours (7:00 AM local time).  Duration of the period within which these works will be carried out is from 30 October, 2007 thru 7 December, 2007.

Due to the runway closure, weather or wind conditions should not impact the Contractor activities during the “Curfew Period”.  Should low visibility conditions arise, the Contractor operations will be allowed to continue by ADIA Air Traffic Control (ATC), with additional due diligence to the cleanup and inspection processes required prior to the resumption of normal activities being allowed by Air Traffic Control.

Other Airside Operational Safety considerations necessary to the execution of these Construction activities and to be addressed in this statement include:

  • Communication/procedures with Abu Dhabi International Airport Company (ADAC), ADIA Air Traffic Control (ATC), ADIA Fire and Rescue, and other Airport Operators.
  • Access control and security measures.
  • Maintenance of Airside Security Boundary integrity.
  • Clear delineation of construction limits and boundaries, as well as, haul routes for construction and inspection access and egress to the zone.
  • Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and dust control measures, as well as, cleanup of haulage routes.
  • Observance of traffic movements within ADIA regulations.
  • Construction hours of operation.
  • Taxiway Lima access to Gulf Aviation Maintenance Company (GAMCO).

3.0       Definitions

3.1            PM                   Program Manager

3.2            Engineer          Engineer of Record

3.3            CM                  Construction Manager

3.4            ACM                Airside Coordination Manager

3.5            PE/SE             Project Engineer / Site Engineer

3.6            CS                   Chief Surveyor

3.7            ME                   Material Engineer

3.8            ESHO              Environmental, Safety, and Health Officer   

  • References

4.1       Specifications: Civil Specification Sections 107, Construction Phasing and Safety                                           Department of Transport-Civil Aviation-Abu Dhabi- Safety Guidelines

4.2       Drawings:        Halcrow Drawing No. PGAD 745/1008/C/138, Revision E

                                    Pavement Types

                                                OAJ-JV Drawing No. OAJ/1008/C/AF/SD/176/215

                                    TWY Lima – Curfew Work Area – Access Routes

  • Warning System Equipment
  • Warning Barriers – water filled plastic, alternating red and white
    • Rope and Flags – red
    • Temporary Warning Lights – red
    • Traffic Regulation Signs/Markings
    • Traffic Cones
  • Construction Equipment
    • Wirtgen Milling Machine
    • Excavators
    • JCB Loader Backhoe
    • Loader
    • Grader Vibratory Rollers
    • Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment for Asphalt Paving Works
    • Power Sweeper
    • Pickup Trucks:
  • General supervision and crew management
  • Safety management
  • Cleanup / FOD elimination / area maintenance

            6.9       Ambulance / Emergency Services Response

            6.10     Bus for crew and personnel deployment

            6.11     Tractor/Trailer Transport

            6.12     Temporary Lighting Tower

            6.13     Water Tanker Truck

            6.14     Runway Lighted Crosses (X’s)

  • Safety and Security
  • Communication

Refer to Section 9.0 Annex “A” of this document for communication requirements and procedures to be followed during daily operation within the Curfew Limits as established by Abu Dhabi Airport Air Traffic Control.

                        7.1.1    Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS)

OAJ-JV will notify the Engineer and Abu Dhabi Airport Company (ADAC) on closure requirements or hazardous conditions.  ADAC will issue the appropriate notifications.  Notification as to the period to be defined for the construction activities necessary to connect Taxiway Lima to the Runway closure has been defined by ADAC, to begin on 30 October 2007 and continue thru 7 December 2007.

                        7.1.2    Notices to Aircraft Rescue and Fire (ARFF)

ACM will coordinate communication with ARFF to support unobstructed access at all times.

                        7.1.3    Notices to GCAA

OAJ-JV will notify the Engineer and ADAC on closure requirements or hazardous conditions.  ADAC will issue the appropriate notifications.

                        7.1.4    Contractor Assignment of Responsibilities

OAJ-JV nominates the following senior staff members as direct points of contact:

                  Thomas Colavecchio – Airfield Works Manager

                  Mobile:  050 267 6186

                  John Smith – Airfield Construction Superintendent

                  Mobile:  050 722 1681

                  Max Allan Morales – 2k Runway Project Safety Manager

                  Mobile:  050 813 2163

            7.2       Access Control and Security Measures

            7.2.1    Personnel and Equipment Identification Badges

Personnel to be deployed to the construction activities in this area have been cleared by ADIA Security and have the appropriate passes.  Additional equipment as may be necessary will be cleared with the proper authorities prior to utilization.  Key construction supervisory personnel will be trained in accordance with the ADIA requirements regarding driving and communication regulations with Air Traffic Control governing access into these areas.

  • Construction Vehicle and Equipment Markings

OAJ-JV vehicles and equipment shall have identification markings, registration, and be in accordance with ADIA regulations.  Vehicles and equipment will be deployed with flashing safety lights, as required.

  • Radio Communication in Movement Areas

Taxiway Lima crossing of Existing Runway 13R-31L is defined on Halcrow Drawing No. PGAD 745/1008/C/138, Revision E.  Portions of the work area will remain closed via NOTAM throughout the work period.  Radio communication with the ATCT will be necessary to coordinate construction movements within this work area.

            7.2.4    Escort Procedures for Construction Vehicles in Movement Areas

Taxiway Lima crossing of Existing Runway 13R-31L is defined in Halcrow Drawing No. PGAD 745/1008/C/138, Revision E.  Portions of the area will remain closed via NOTAM.  It is anticipated that escorting of construction vehicles or equipment will be necessary within this work area.  Access to the areas from the south will be via the existing interior service roads.  Access from the north of the existing Runway 13/31 will be via newly installed Security Gate No. 11.

            7.3       Maintenance of Airside Security Boundary

            7.3.1    ADIA Security Check Point Gate 1 and Gate 11

OAJ-JV will utilize existing ADIA Gate Nos. 1 and 11 as the main points of access to the work zones.  All requirements of DCA and the ADIA Police regarding access controls will be observed.

  • Fencing and Gates

Taxiway Lima crossing of Existing Runway 13R-31L work area is bound by an existing temporary and interim AOA security fence, including the segment north of the existing runway installed during Stage One.  No change to this alignment is anticipated.

            7.4       Delineation of Construction Boundaries

  • Hazardous Area Identification / Barrier Closure

The Taxiway Lima crossing of Existing Runway 13R-31L boundary used to identify the area where no aircraft traffic will be permitted will be formed using a water-filled plastic barrier.  The barricades will be alternating red and white in color, supplemented with red flags, and spaced across the paved surface to create an identifiable physical barrier indicating the closure of the area to Operator use.  Warning lights, flashing red, and stand mounted will be either battery operated or existing circuit powered, if possible.  Stands will be properly secured to the existing surface to avoid overturning.

In support of the areas that will remain closed during the construction period, existing taxiway lights and signs that may be potentially lead an aircraft into the closure barriers will be de-energized, if possible, or covered and masked.  OAJ-JV will request the assistance of the operations and maintenance staff in identification of the lighting circuits to determine the methodology necessary, and the limits required by Airside Operations.

To further support safe execution of the construction activities within the work zones, OAJ-JV will constrain activities to areas outside the Taxiway Safety Area (47.5 meters from the centerline) during periods of reduced or Low Visibility (LVO), as directed by Air Traffic Control.

All works within 75 meters of the Existing Runway 13R-31L centerline will be considered to be performed under curfew conditions, requiring closure of the runway for construction access.  As such, no reduced or Low Visibility (LVO) considerations are necessary, in accordance with Annex “A”.  Specific timing of this period is identified as in Section 2.3, Work Considerations / Operational Restrictions.

  • Maintenance of Taxiway Safety Areas and Object Free Areas

The Taxiway Safety Area is defined as a parallel line 47.5 meters from the centerline of the facility.  The runway safety area is defined by a parallel line 150 meters from the centerline of the facility. This line will be demarcated by wooden stakes and flags marked along the boundary.  This will serve as a hold point for Contractor traffic.  No storage of Contractor materials or plant will be allowed within this area.

            7.4.3    Protection of Existing Navigational Aids

Zone One navigational aids include existing equipment in operation at the Meteorological Station and existing taxiway signage.  A barrier will be placed, as necessary, to prevent potential damage from any unwarranted access.

            7.4.4    Protection / Relocation of Existing Services

OAJ-JV will identify existing services by means of trial exploration.  Survey data collected as a result of the excavation will be mapped in accordance to requirements of the Contract and presented to the Engineer. Modification of existing services to be included in the scope of work is yet to be defined.

  • Contractor Storage of Equipment and Materials

OAJ-JV Drawing No. OAJ/1008/C/AF/SD/176/215 indicates the staging areas to be utilized during the construction.  Contractor’s access routes and site utilization plans will at all times be managed so to minimize the impact of the construction activities to Airport Operations.  OAJ will receive materials to be incorporated into the work and hold in the staging locations for transportation into the work zone, as necessary.  Mobile equipment will be extracted to landside areas during idle periods and track equipment will be moved to areas identified to be clear of runway and taxiway safety areas.  The objective is to reduce the necessity for staging within the AOA environment to the greatest degree possible.

  • Taxiway Lima Activities and Communication with Gulf Aircraft Maintenance


Taxiway Lima, south of Taxiway “Z” (Zulu), will serve as access to GAMCO.  Taxiway Lima in this area will be maintained so to allow 24-hour access, under tow-in and tow-out conditions as required by the Contract.  OAJ-JV will manage coordination with GAMCO, as necessary, during planning and implementation of construction activities that may impact movement; either scheduled or emergency, to or from the Operator’s facilities.  No impact to the GAMCO facility operations is anticipated.

            7.5       Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Elimination

            7.5.1    Work Zone Cleanliness Management

OAJ-JV will maintain a team, consisting of supervision, labor and equipment, responsible for work zone safety and cleanliness.  Duties, on a 24-hour basis, as necessary, will include maintenance of the closure barriers, debris elimination, washing, and vacuum sweeping of the work zone.

                        7.5.2    Contractor Haul Route Maintenance

OAJ-JV Drawing No. OAJ/1008/C/AF/SD/176/215 indicates the planned routes for access to and from the work zone.  OAJ-JV will maintain these routes free from construction generated dirt and debris by means of washing and vacuum sweeping.

            7.5.3    Contractor Staging Area Housekeeping

OAJ-JV will maintain a team, consisting of supervision, labor, and equipment responsible for staging area safety and cleanliness. The team’s responsibility includes maintenance of the staging area fence and barriers, debris elimination, trash disposal, and watering and dust mitigation within the area.

  • Dust Control

Mitigation of dust generated by construction activities is of primary concern to OAJ-JV.  Dust control will be achieved by consistent and continuous application of water to all areas including those where excavation and grading proceed, as well as, along routes where construction traffic is moving and Contractor materials and equipment are to be staged.  No work will proceed without provision for control of dust in place.

  • Construction Traffic Plan and Control Measures

OAJ-JV Drawing  No. OAJ/1008/C/AF/SD/176/215  indicates the planned routes for access to and from the work zone identified in support the NDRC directional drilling works.  Access to the Taxiway Lima intersection work locations will be the same.

Where possible, appropriate traffic control and identification signs will be placed along the routes to enhance construction traffic movement.  Directional, speed control, and construction area identification signage is planned to be placed at critical locations to increase awareness and reduce impact to the traveling public and ADIA Operator personnel.

            7.8       Contractor’s Hours of Operation

Due to the time critical nature of the construction activities required for the Taxiway Lima intersection to the Existing Runway 13R-31L, it is mandated that the Contractor hours of operation will be to the maximum amount allowed by the Abu Dhabi Airport Company (ADAC) and the Air Traffic Control Tower.  Final determination states that the Contractor’s construction program, for works within the “Curfew Area” defined as 75 meters either side of the Existing Runway centerline, will be allowed beginning 30 October, 2007 thru 7 December, 2007. Work hours where the Existing Runway 13R-31L will be closed for construction access will be from 0330 hours (3:30 AM Local Time) to 0700 hours (7:00 AM Local Time).

Works in adjacent areas, but outside the “Curfew” limitations, will proceed as allowed by prior approved Permits to Work, and continues throughout the period under normal daytime operations.

  • Responsibilities

8.1       The CM will coordinate with the ACM and ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved method statement, and job and activity hazard analysis have been allocated to the task.

      8.2       The ACM, along with the PE/SE, will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted according to the approved method statement, JHA, AHA, and all in-situ tests as required in the ITP are implemented.

            8.3       The ME is to ensure the materials being used are in accordance to the project specifications, the approved method statement, and the ITP.

            8.4       It is the Site Supervisor’s responsibility to organize the work in a safe manner and ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized. The Site Supervisor must also ensure that the AHA and JHA are implemented, the method statement procedure is followed, and the ITP is applied.

  • Annex “A”Air Traffic Control (ATC) – Runway Curfew Procedures

The following Plan of Action has been developed by the Abu Dhabi Airport Air Traffic Control (ATC), and will be implemented by OAJ-JV during execution of the works to be performed under the Curfew restriction.  This procedure is set so as to define the actions required by all during the execution of the construction activities required for the connection of Taxiway Lima to Existing Runway 13R–31L.

Prior to the Work:

  • ATC shall issue a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), identifying the works to be entertained throughout the Curfew Period.  Existing Runway 13R–31L will be closed from 30 October thru 7 December, 2007 from 0330 hours to 0700 hours, local time.
  • Beginning on 27 October 2007, information regarding the Existing Runway 13R-31L closure will be placed on the ATIS, as a reminder.  From 29 October 2007, NOTAM stating “RUNWAY CLOSED” will be put on the ATIS from 2 hour prior to the Curfew, until resumption of normal operations.
  • ATC shall consider the “Runway Closed” throughout the period, as defined above.
  • Should any particular shift require that no work be performed, OAJ-JV Supervision will notify the ATC Supervisor as such. Inspections will be conducted as required by the ATC Supervisor.

            During the Work:

  • ATC shall close the runway as close as possible to 0330 hours, 3:30 AM, local time.
  • ATC shall identify during the period of Curfew that any Aircraft that may declare an emergency use Abu Dhabi International Airport as a last resort alternative.  It is understood that it will take no less than 30 minutes for clearance of the work area and performance of a complete inspection of the work area and the Runway, prior to any landing.
  • OAJ-JV Supervision will contact the ATC Supervisor no less than 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the Curfew, to confirm that the work parties are prepared.
  • Curfew work will continue as normal during periods of low visibility (LVP) occur.  ATC Supervisor and OAJ-JV Supervision will exercise vigilance during the cleanup process and in inspection prior to the runway being declared open for use.
  • After issuing the clearance to proceed, ATC will inform the AGL Section to switch off all Runway lighting during the remainder of the Curfew period.
  • OAJ-JV shall place one(1) portable lighted cross at each end of the runway, as an added precaution during the remainder of the Curfew period.
  • Existing frangible barriers at Taxiways Lima/Kilo will be moved or removed as necessary to support the works, and will be replaced prior to the resumption of normal operations.
  • OAJ-JV shall insure that all construction plant and personnel have vacated the Runway, to beyond the designated 75 meter offset to centerline, upon completion of each Curfew shift.
  • OAJ-JV supervision shall contact the ATC Supervisor toward the end of the Curfew Shift, as the cleanup starts. Such communication will allow ATC Supervision sufficient time to perform an inspection of the curfew works area and a full runway inspection.
  • Upon direction from the ATC Supervisor that the inspection has been completed, OAJ Supervision will notify ATC via telephone that the Runway is clear and available for use.
  • Handover of the Runway, before and after the nightly Curfew, shall be done directly between the ATC Supervisor and OAJ-JV Supervision. This will be done via a recorded phone line, with Runway Closed or Runway Open being written in the ATC Log Book.
  • Signed certification or statement will be required from ATC to ensure that the temporary closing and opening will be conducted in accordance with ATC regulations and procedures, and actions will be taken to prevent damage to airport and facilities and an inspection of airport movement area will be carried out by ATC in coordination with the contractor prior to opening the runway.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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