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Adjustment of PODs after Drainage Connection.

Pod Delivery Schedule

Pod Delivery Schedule

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject                 : Adjustment of PODs after Drainage Connection.

Dear Mr. Chen Haizhang,

We refer your letter Ref: xxx dated xxx and record as follows:

The statements of your MEP subcontractor enclosed to your reference letter are inaccurate and unsubstantiated. We further record that we completely and categorically refute such statements that aim to wrongly and unprofessionally shift the responsibilities and failures of your MEP contractor to Xxx.

We are always ready to cooperate with all parties on site but will under no circumstance accept this approach of accusation without substantiation or supporting evidence. We therefore kindly ask, in the interest of the project, that you take a more sensible and reasoned approach in correspondence and properly investigate your MEP subcontractor’s statements before forwarding them to Xxx… 

We again remind you of the following approved sequence of installation implemented on site: 

Installation of Pods: (Please note that all of the below points are taken from the Approved with “A” status Method of statement. Please refer to Page No: 11/ standard operation procedure/i, j, k, l & m)

It is therefore the Main contractor’s responsibility to give the MEP clearance once the pods are approved for installation by your surveyor/ Building Engineer/ Construction Manager.

Xxx does not have any control over the Main Contractor’s deviations to the approved sequence, which is delaying inspections and giving advance clearances to your MEP subcontractor. Consequently, Xxx will not be held responsible for such deviations to the approved sequence, and will not be held accountable for any impact, direct or indirect of such unilateral decision by the Main Contractor.

We also hereby request xxx to release clearances on pending areas for our installation and subsequently expedite Surveyor approval on our pods prior to other programmed activities to avoid out of sequence works.

In closing, your letter references past discussions with statements like “Despite of several discussion”.  These statements are again inaccurate since this point was never discussed with or communicated to any of the representatives of Xxx on site or with the undersigned despite our regular presence on site.

In order to avoid such situations or concerns with sequence of works in the future kindly approach the undersigned as the main point of contact / responsibility on the project.

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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