Planning: Sufficient numbers of trained operatives and competent supervision must be available before work starts. Sufficient and suitable plant must be available for trench support before work starts. Suitable monitoring equipment and personnel trained in its use will be required where known exposure to toxic substances or lack of oxygen may occur. Location of existing services must be complete before work starts, also information obtained on ground conditions from site surveys.
Physical: Sides of excavations likely to collapse must be supported. Where flooding risk exists, cofferdams/caissons will be installed with pumps of suitable capacity. Substantial barriers will be erected around excavations greater than 2m deep. Where poor ventilation is identified the atmosphere will be continually monitored. Stop barriers will be used to prevent vehicle entry. Spoil and materials will be stacked back at minimum of 1M from the edges of excavations. Ladders will be provided for safe access/egress. Cable location devices (C.A.T.) and client / Local Authority drawings will be used to trace buried services prior to commencement of work. Suitable signs and barriers will be provided to warn of the work.
Managerial/Supervisory: Ensure safe system of work provided, taking account of prevailing conditions including weather, traffic and existing structures. Provide suitable PPE as required and ensure its correct use. Inspect supported excavations before each shift, and record details, also following any destabilising event or fall of material. Ensure personnel selected are capable, fit and experienced unless under direct supervision. COSHH assessments are to be made of substances likely to be found or produced during the work.
Training: Supervisors must have received training in COSHH appreciation, general site safety, theory and practice of excavation work. Operatives must have received training in excavation support procedures and use of cable location devices. This applied to sub contractors as well as direct employees. Toolbox talks on Excavation work, MHO’s and COSHH will be given at regular intervals.
Safety Helmet
Ear Defenders
Safety Boots
Respiratory Protection
Safety Glasses
HI Viz (Fluorescent) Jacket
Dust Mask
Goggles / Visor
Ear Plugs
Prepared By: D L WoodsEHS ManagerOAJ-JV
Authorised By:
Date: 15th July 2006
Document ID:
By Md Abu Zaed Khan
Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.