Method Statement Title: Installation of Capacitor Banks

Method Statement Title: Installation of Capacitor Banks

1.0       Scope

  1. This method statement details the method of Installation of Capacitor Banks according to the Specification Section 16410.

2.0       Material

  • All materials shall be as per approved material submittals, shop drawing and single line diagram.
  • Capacitor Banks.
    • Cable glands and lugs.
    • Identification labels and tags.

3.0       Applicable Location

  • For Tower – E1,E2,E3 & W1,W2,W3 L.V. rooms.

4.0       Method

4.1       Storage  

  • Capacitor banks shall be inspected upon receipt at site for damages and compliance with the approved submittals and Single line Diagram.
  • Upon completion of receiving inspection, the Capacitor bank shall be positioned at the respective substation locations with suitable crane arrangements.
  • Capacitor bank found with transportation damages shall be recorded and notified to the concern party for further action.
  • Capacitor bank shall be covered with  polythene sheets to protect from dust and moisture.

4.2       Installation

4.2.1    Ensure approved documents like shop drawing and electrical room

            layouts are available with the installation team.

  • Place channels in correct locations and anchor them securely.
  •  Carefully shift the capacitor bank panel and place it on the anchored      channels.
  • Anchor the panel as required and ensure it is fixed securely to the


  •  Check the label/marking to ensure that it is the right panel and check theposition according to the shop drawing.
  • Check the provision for cable termination.
  • Terminate the cable as per single line diagram using proper tools.
  • Clean the terminations with blower to clean the dust and small metal

                                    pieces fallen during cable cutting and terminating process.

  • Ensure the entire panel are free from dust and damage.
  • Provide identification for the panel and all the cable terminations as per

                                    specification requirement.

  • Organize the cables neatly with cable ties.
  • Double check the connections by tightening the terminations.
  • Inspection shall be offered for QC Verification before DEWA inspection.

5.0       Safety

5.1       Safety Officer shall ensure that the technicians have undergone safety

            induction program, and all safety procedures are followed.

  •       Only experienced technicians shall be engaged for this specialized job.

5.3       Workmen shall be given proper training to use PPE and shall be 

            monitored to avoid any violation of the same.

5.4      Electric tools will be checked and certified by Safety Officer and

            earthing of the same shall be ensured.

  •      All other safety precautions shall be followed as per established safety

           plan and procedures.

6.0       Records

6.1       QC Inspection Check List.

6.2       Inspection request duly signed-off by NMX and Consultant.

7.0       Attachment

  • Inspection Check List for Capacitor Banks .
  • Insulation Resistance Test Report Format.

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