Non-cooperation of Specified Supplier – xxx Ceramics

Non-cooperation of Specified Supplier – xxx Ceramics

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject                 : Non-cooperation of Specified Supplier – xxx Ceramics

Dear Mr. Chen,

We are in receipt of your letter No. xxx dated xxx. 

Please note that xxx Ceramics is a specified supplier who is currently unwilling to replace material rejected by the Consultant.  Xxx has done all what is reasonably expected to coordinate and further push RAK Ceramics to provide the replacement for the rejected slabs. Please find attached the latest correspondence in this regard including a letter from xxx Ceramics ref: xxx dated xxx explaining the unreasonable rejections which is generating the current situation.

We urgently need clear instruction and approval from your side to source the market for alternative materials as we are currently facing a major disruption in our current production. This situation is further disrupting the production of phase 2 of the project.

Alternatively, we again request that xxx must raise this issue on an urgent basis with the Client and the Engineer to clarify the approval process, as xxx Ceramics is stating that any replaced material will have the same quality due to the nature of fabrication process of the slabs. 

This is a critical issue affecting pod production which must be addressed with the appropriate seriousness should you require us to proceed further with your specified supplier.

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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