CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the construction of ducts for fire and water supply network under taxiways, roads and wherever needed. 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: STM Method Statement : Ducts for fire and water supply networks.… Continue reading Method Statement for Construction of Ducts for Fire & Water Supply Network
Month: October 2022
Method Statement for Erecting Sandwich Panels
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Tools & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the erection/installation of wall and roof sandwich panels for the temporary site offices of Parsons, Halcrow and OAJ. 2. Definitions: 2.1 CM: Construction Manager 2.2 SE: Site Engineer… Continue reading Method Statement for Erecting Sandwich Panels
Method Statement for Pipe Lines Installation
with Concrete Surround
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the laying and installation of GRP and u-PVC Pipes with Concrete encasement. 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: STM Method Statement : Storm Water Drainage Work 2.2 ITR Inspection and Test… Continue reading Method Statement for Pipe Lines Installation
with Concrete Surround
Method Statement for Manhole Construction (Cast In Situ Stormwater Manholes)
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the cast in situ concrete storm water manholes, single and double catch pit Type (I), (II), and (III). 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: Storm Water Drainage Method Statement 2.2… Continue reading Method Statement for Manhole Construction (Cast In Situ Stormwater Manholes)
Method Statement for Future and Split Ducts
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1.0 Purpose To ensure that future, split duct and related activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance / control activities are conducted in a systematic manner,… Continue reading Method Statement for Future and Split Ducts
Method Statement for Installation of D.I pipes
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the installation of D.I pipes. 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: D.I Method Statement: ductile iron method statement. 2.2 ITR Inspection And test Request 2.3 PPS Particular Project Specification… Continue reading Method Statement for Installation of D.I pipes
Method Statement for GRP Pipes Laying with Granular Surround
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the laying of GRP Pipes with Granular surround. 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: STM Method Statement : Storm Water Drainage Work 2.2 ITR Inspection and Test Request 2.3… Continue reading Method Statement for GRP Pipes Laying with Granular Surround
Method Statement for Storm Water and Drainage Earthwork
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the following activities related to Storm Water and Drainage works Site cleaning and grading Trench excavation and backfill Structural excavation and Backfill 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS:… Continue reading Method Statement for Storm Water and Drainage Earthwork
Method Statement for Sub base and Gravel Base
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1.0 Purpose To ensure that sub base and gravel base, and related activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance / control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works… Continue reading Method Statement for Sub base and Gravel Base
Method Statement for Surveying Work
CONTENTS Scope of Work Definitions References Subcontractors Materials Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1. Scope: 1.1 This Method Statement covers the various steps in Site Survey Works. 2. Definitions: 2.1 MS: STM Method Statement : Surveying Work 2.2 ITR Inspection and Test Request 2.3 PPS … Continue reading Method Statement for Surveying Work