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Method Statement for Surveying Work

surveyor work

surveyor work


  1. Scope of Work
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Attachments

1. Scope:

1.1This Method Statement covers the various steps in Site Survey Works.

2. Definitions:

2.1    MS: STM Method Statement : Surveying Work
2.2ITR  Inspection and Test Request
2.3PPS   Particular Project Specification
2.4GPS   General Project  Specification
2.5UG   Underground
2.6TPS    Technical  Project Specification

 3. References:

3.1GPS Section100, Clause 100.6 Surveying instruments.
3.2GPS    Section102: Clause 102.20 Surface Levels
3.2GPS    Section200: Clause 200.1 Particular Earthworks Requirement.

4. Subcontractors:


5.  Products:

5.1None (No Permanent Materials)

 6. Tools & Equipments:

6.1Survey Equipment – Total Station, Theodolite
6.3Ranging Poles, Ranging Rods
6.4Measuring tapes, spirit levels, plumb lines

 7. Safety

7.1TPS  Section  : Site Safety and Security
7.2CSM  Construction Safety Manual
7.3Safety Hazards and Precautions
a.Traffic :- Set out warning signs, plastic glass range flagging and/or barricades as necessary.
b.Electrical Lines :- Use only wood or fiber glass range poles or rods when working near electrical lines.
c.Surveyors & chainmen to wear reflective jackets.
d.All instruments, tripods, carrying cases, surveying tools, will be fitted with stripes of highly reflective adhesive tape.

 8. Prior Activities:

8.1Establishing the control point consists of scouting existing reference points on site which are already referenced to existing control points defined and indicated by the Engineer  
8.2The control points will be protected by concrete surround and by warning tape to secure the perimeter.  
8.3Regular monthly checks on the control points will be carried out as part of the QA procedures.  
8.4Location of bench marks are checked jointly with the Consultant surveyors and levels in the drawings are verified accordingly.  
8.5Review and submit to the Consultant the calibration records for survey instruments to be used in the work  

   9. Procedure:

9.1Before proceeding with survey works all survey equipments to be used will be calibrated and the calibration certificates will be submitted to the Consultant.  
Note:This activity is a Hold Point.
9.2For ease of reference in daily activities temporary bench marks are established and protected on site. A duly signed layout drawing showing the location and co-ordinates, will be submitted to the Engineer for future records.
9.3At the beginning, setting out of lines will be carried out to check all possible obstructions prior to commencement of construction. Ground levels are also recorded and records will be jointly signed with the Consultant for future reference.
Note:Those G.L. records shall form the basis for Contract’s Measurements.
9.4The setting out for the Main Secondary Turning points will be carried out by OAJ JV surveyors then it will be checked by the Engineer’s Surveyors.  A traverse drawing showing the actual location and coordinates of the T.P’s (where applicable), as well as the offsets from permanent services will be produced and duly signed by both parties.
Note:This traverse drawing will be the reference for all future setting out activities.
9.5Shop Drawings will then be prepared and submitted to the Engineer for agreement and approval.
Note:The Shop drawings will be the basis for all the construction activities.  Any amendments must be recorded and monitored. Care should be taken to only use the latest revision during execution.
9.6For every particular item of work such as pipeline excavation, laying, leveling, manhole location setting out, invert level, stubs level, cover level…etc. survey checking out is a must to eliminate any possible discrepancy.  
9.7Surveying during the execution will be carried out by qualified surveyors along with experienced chainmen.
9.8Latest versions of survey instruments are used such as Total Station, Digital Theodolite and highly accurate level instruments. In addition to the various accessories such as Ranging Rods, Measuring Tapes, Ranging Poles, Tripods…etc. all survey equipment will be calibrated as mentioned in section 9.1 above.
9.9In the cases of pipelines and associated structure every step will be checked.
9.10Surveying records will be kept up to date as they will form the basis for payment, measurements sheets and as-built records of the works done on site.
9.11Any changes will have to be shown on the final drawings.

10. Responsibilities:

10.1It is the Project Manager’s duty to ensure that all necessary safety and protective equipment are provided along with properly trained and qualified personnel.
10.2It is the Site Supervisor’s duty to organize the work in safe manner and to ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized.
 He must also assure the method statement procedure is followed and must observe any hold-points and notify the Consultants for inspection.
10.3It is the worker’s duty to properly wear the protective equipment provided and obey all safety rules.  They must also perform the work as described in the method statement procedure.  
10.4The Contract Manager will coordinate with Safety Engineer and ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved method statement have been allocated to the task.
10.5The Site Engineer will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted according to the approved method statement.  
10.7The Material Engineer will ensure that the materials being used are in accordance to the project specifications and the approved method statement.  
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