What is concrete curing? explain in details different type of curing and its procedure step.

what is curing
what is curing

Concrete curing is the process of allowing newly placed concrete to harden and set over time. It is an important step in the concrete production process that helps to ensure that the concrete reaches its desired strength, durability, and performance characteristics.

There are several types of concrete curing methods, including:

  1. Moist Curing: Moist curing involves keeping the concrete wet so that it can harden properly. This is typically done by covering the concrete with plastic sheets or blankets to prevent evaporation.


  • Prepare the concrete surface to be moist cured.
  • Cover the surface with a plastic sheet or blanket to prevent evaporation.
  • Keep the surface wet by spraying water on it periodically.
  • Maintain the moist curing process for the recommended time period, which is typically 7 to 14 days.
  1. Steam Curing: Steam curing involves exposing the concrete to high humidity and temperature conditions to promote proper hardening. This method is often used for large concrete structures such as bridges or dams.


  • Prepare the concrete surface to be steam cured.
  • Build a steam curing chamber around the concrete surface.
  • Raise the temperature and humidity inside the chamber to the required levels.
  • Maintain the steam curing conditions for the recommended time period, which is typically 24 to 72 hours.
  1. Chemical Curing: Chemical curing involves adding a chemical hardener to the concrete to promote proper hardening. This method is often used for concrete surfaces that are exposed to high temperatures or other challenging conditions.


  • Prepare the concrete surface to be chemically cured.
  • Mix the chemical hardener with water as per manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Apply the chemical hardener solution to the surface using a sprayer or brush.
  • Maintain the chemical curing process for the recommended time period, which is typically 24 to 72 hours.

The use of concrete curing is important because it helps the concrete reach its desired strength and durability and helps to prevent cracking and other forms of degradation. Proper curing is also essential for ensuring that the concrete will perform as expected in the long term, and it is an important factor in determining the overall quality and durability of the concrete structure.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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