Date: xxx
Ref. xxx
Kind Attn: Mr. xxx
Project: 2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building
Plot No.: xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai
Subject : Very serious concern and need senior foreman from MEP dept
Dear Mr.Tahir,
With reference to the above, we would like to inform you as we notice that your engineers are busy for submissions of drawings /submittals and coordination with the consultant and do not have any senior diploma holder foreman or a site engineer and please note the following:
- Mr.Teja is unable to put the marking for the opening and he came with a proposal and even after marking, the civil people are not keeping proper opening means no supervision from the MEP team during the progress of the work.
- To make the opening during the progress will be more accurate and well finished with GI lintel without adding extra cost and saving of the blocks as well as time .
- If I accept the opinion of Mr.teja , who will responsible for following consequences?
- Erection of the scaffolding again
- Cost of the breaking and who will break
- Collection of the debris to skip 150 m away from the site
- Cost of the repairing that will be 3 time more than the normal work
- Cost of the machinery work
- Delay in the clearance for the plaster
- NCR by consultant
So, Why we burden all the hurdles from A to Z if a senior foreman can mark, cross check and recheck during the progress of the work and it will save many things .
Furthermore, you should understand this is the hotel buildng and too much ID complex coordination need to be understood and we require another person, who is dedicated to the site and cannot carry the way it is going on now.
Moreover, on 14.11.2016 , the day when Mr.Shailen verma was available, the consultant called serious meeting with Mr.Mahesh in your presence for the following:
- Issue of MEP coordination
- Severe remark for the existing MEP team performance
- Submission of the coordination drawing
- Delay of the AC work at site
- Delay in finalizing many subcontractors
- Delay in ordering long lead items
So, we are also writing to the management that we are doing many variation works which are not being submitted professionally till date and note following:
- Variation in basement for future cafeteria and due to change in the drawing and usage
- The variation at ground floor as per ID drawing and changes made
- Professional variation for the guest room management systems (jumps) was submitted in micro level which they need macro level details with the drawing.
- Addition of the toilets
- Additional work in the kitchen
- The new variation raised for AC must be submitted after having meeting with AC subcontractor
- Other variation as per ID drawing and tender document
Kindly reply and discuss with the higher management to resolve this issue and also note that we are ready for the meeting which will be at 14.12.16
For xxx Contracting L.L.C
General Manager