Variation intimation to fix multi pattern design tile at pool deck

Variation intimation to fix multi pattern design tile at pool deck

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject        : Variation intimation to fix multi pattern design tile at pool deck and cost to fix tile on steps riser as per pool design/drawing

Dear Sir,

With reference to above we would like to inform you that in our quotation we consider one type of uniform tile and cost for fixing for uniformity on plain area as pool area written “Future Scope”

Now the tile supplied by the client has combination of three different size of the tile in particular design approved in shop drawing and pattern provided in ID

So, we have our cost variation claim for extra labour that is double from BOQ cost to fix the tile in design pattern at pool deck

Meantime we require your decision for steps finishing at pool deck either you need same tile on steps/rise or stone on steps as if tile we will quote for the same or client must supply the steps at pool deck and we will claim for fixing

This is for your kind information and variation will be submitted in due course


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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