M/s xxx Constructions and Operations                            

Office No,. xxx,

Financial Tower, DIFC xxx

Tel: xxx

Fax: xxx

Attention          :   Mr. xxx

                            Project Manager                    

Project             :  xxx – 6B+G100 Floors-Hotel & Residential Tower

Client               :  M/s xxx Holdings Ltd

Consultant       :  M/s xxx Architectural & Engineering Consultants)

Subject           :  SUBCONTRACT ADDENDUM

Dear Mr. Ibrahim,

With reference to the subject and further to our letter ref: xxx dated January 5, xxx, herein kindly be informed that our representative had a meeting with M/s xxx representative, and they had discussed the revised delivery schedule as well as all pending issues and all being solved.

In light of above, we request you to proceed with the subcontract addendum to cover M/s xxx letters of awards (LOA) ref: xxx amount of AED xxx (xxx Only) and ref: xxx amount of AED xxx (xxx Only).

The subcontract addendum conditions shall follow M/s xxx LOA terms & conditions, so please stipulate in the addendum the payment terms based on the LOA, delete the performance bond bank guarantee and replace the advance payment bank guarantee by company security cheque.

This is sent for your information and necessary action.

Kind Regards,

For xxx Interiors LLC


Project Manager                                                                                    

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