Standard height of switch and socket for a residential building.

Standard height of switch and socket for a residential building.

  1. Conventional Light Switch:
  • The switch panel height is typically set at 1350mm, allowing most people to easily reach it.
  • Additionally, ensure the switch is positioned at least 100mm away from the edge of the door to avoid interference with door cover line installation.
  1. Living Room Sockets:
  • TV Wall Socket:
    • For TVs placed on cabinets, the socket height is around 500mm. For wall-mounted TVs, the socket panel height is generally set at 1000mm.
    • Custom TV cabinets may dictate the socket height based on the cabinet’s dimensions and design.
  • Sofa Side Socket:
    • Positioned based on corner tables or decorations near the sofa, typically at 700mm or 350mm.
    • If behind the sofa, the socket should be higher than the sofa backrest, usually at least 1000mm.
  1. Dining Room Socket:
  • If the dining table is against the wall, the socket height is generally 900mm.
  • For dining sideboards, socket height is determined by the sideboard’s design, usually around 1200mm.
  1. Bedside Switch Socket:
  • Positioned based on bedside table style, typically at 700mm.
  • Design considerations should be made for bedside table or dresser shapes and sizes.
  1. Kitchen Console Socket:
  • Above the operating table, socket height is 1200mm.
  • Hood socket height is generally set at 1800mm or hidden in the ceiling.
  • Refrigerator and water heater sockets are positioned at 350mm and 1800mm, respectively.
  1. Desk Socket:
  • On-stage desk sockets are set at 1000mm, while under-desk sockets are at 350mm.
  • Multiple sockets are recommended to accommodate computers, lamps, chargers, etc.
  1. Air-Conditioning Socket:
  • Generally positioned at a height of 2200mm.
  1. Special Appliance Sockets:
  • Electric curtain sockets are placed inside the curtain box.
  • Sweeping robot sockets are typically placed under the cabinet, with a height of 100mm or 350mm depending on the robot’s features and style.

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